Cheer tryouts

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I wake up the next morning with Kairi's hands around my waist,I giggled at the thought.I hear him slightly moving around starting to notice he woke up,he holds onto me tighter.

Kai:Stop moving Lilo
Lilo:I've gotta get up Olaf
Lilo:We'll get Dunkin okay?

I walk to the dresser and opened the drawer Kairi gave me to put extra clothes in,I walk into his bathroom and got ready for school.



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I moisturized my hair and put it in a high ponytail,I walked out putting on my glasses and saw Kairi sitting on the edge of the bed,he turned around and looked at me beginning to blush

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I moisturized my hair and put it in a high ponytail,I walked out putting on my glasses and saw Kairi sitting on the edge of the bed,he turned around and looked at me beginning to blush.

Kairi:You look wow Kass (😍)
Kassidy:Thank you Kai (🥺)
Kairi:Can we get Dunkin!!
Kassidy:Go get dressed *Laughs*

I walked downstairs and saw Kairi's mom making pancakes,I put cinnamon in with some chocolate chips for Kairi and I since we have them in common.When they were done I put 2 on each plate and placed them by the table,I hear 2 sets of steps downstairs and see Maiya and Kairi.

Kairi:Morning Ma...Morning Kassidy
Kass:Hi Kai
Kairi's Mom:Morning Kairi...Maiya the bus is here
Maiya:Okay!!...Bye Kassie,bye Kai
Kai:Bye Maiya
Kass:Bye Mai

Soon enough Kai and I left and got our drinks from Dunkin and drove to school,we grabbed our stuff from our lockers and saw the crew hanging by one of the lounge areas.

Mattia:Hey baby
Kass:Hi Tia
Roshaun:It's almost the weekenddd....Alvaro and I are going back to Florida
Robert:Hi Hoes and My favorite

I walked with Kairi to first period and sat down in my seat,I was simply on my phone deciding to post a draft since I can't post today and I haven't posted in a while.

I walked with Kairi to first period and sat down in my seat,I was simply on my phone deciding to post a draft since I can't post today and I haven't posted in a while

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