Episode 2

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Gasping for air, I woke up with a jolt.

What?  I question myself. Looking around the room, I was met with the familiar interior of my room.

So, it was really just a dream, huh?  Smiling bitterly to myself, I steady my breathing because of the imaginary loss of breath I got from my dream.

Looking up at my ceiling, I suddenly miss view of the sky that my dream gave me, and with that, the determination that I have to climb up the tower intensified. I want to see the view and lake that I met my mo-

Wait, I met my mom? I gasped.

"I met my mom." And I remember what my mom said to me. About her, and about father.

"He has other daughters." I sniffle, "So that's why he always leaves me here alone." My heart ached with this realization.

I am only one of the many daughters he has.

This realization hit me hard. The man that I thought I knew, lied to me. Not only that, but he also didn't tell me about his escapades of adopting other daughters.

Gripping my chest, I let out a quiet sob wrack through me.

Why would he adopt other daughters if he had me in the first place?  I question myself internally. All I know is, father is the ruler of this tower. All 134 floors are in his control, and I don't know if I can climb up fast knowing that each floor keeps getting difficult.

So, why would he? Am I not enough? Or, I'm just a mistake?  Pain wrecked havoc in my chest as I think of many negative scenarios of why my dad needs to adopt other daughters when he has me. He kept me hidden all of my life, not seeing anything beyond this floor that I'm in, not seeing anyone other than Miss Yuno and the other help my father hired to stay with me in this cage.

I know hatred is bad, but, I feel angry at father. Angry at him for never letting me see the outside world, for never letting me meet anyone because he doesn't like anyone knowing of the powers that I possess, for not telling me that he went on spree to adopt as many daughters as he can while he locked me up here in this mansion I once called home, and for not telling me anything about my mother.

Whenever I ask about mother, he always tells me that he'll tell me once I'm old enough, and now that I'm older, all he said to me was that he named my second name from my mom's surname, Grace.

Wait, mom! She told me something . If I remember correctly, my brother from another father is climbing the tower now, so I have to keep up with him.

Getting up from my bed and brushing away the stray tears that I shed, I exhaled and looked at myself in the mirror.

For once, I really see my father's eyes reflecting against the glass. Yes, I have his red eyes, but now, I see the same spark of determination I often see in his eyes whenever he thinks of something to do with the tower.

My dull brunette hair is in contrast with my blood red eyes, making them pop. They do say that my asset is my eyes, 'cause once you look at them, you see the power that I hold. I wouldn't blame them because I did train with father almost all of my life, so many of the moves and techniques that I know came from him. Though I only almost beat him in a fight, scratching his cheek and kind of blowing him away.

But that's a feat only some can do. I mean, he's the third highest ranker in this tower, and only two are above him, or so have I been told.

I take a bag from my closet and filled it with the necessities I think I need in climbing this tower. What? I'm new at this!

Closing up my bag filled with clothes, toiletries and food, I went to my personal armory to get some weapons I might need in my journey.

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