Episode 4

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Stretching my arms wide, I yawned loudly. What a nice way to wake up. I hummed. As you can see, I woke up on the right side of the bed today. Why?

There are actually two reasons why. One, I managed to snatch 10 hours of sleep. Yay! And two, I got excited for the fight I'm having today. Yeah, yeah, I'm a tomboy. What do you expect from a girl who grew up with her fa--

"Father." I finished sadly. Now that I'm actually thinking about it, it's been three years, four months, and 26 days since I last saw father. "I miss you." whispering, I looked out of the window and into the artificial sky. I'll see you again, father.

Smiling longingly, I stood up and trudged over to the kitchen.

"What should I eat for breakfast today?" I hummed, looking up at the cupboards to see what kind of food the floor management gave us, and all I saw is a box of cereal.

Good thing I like cereal. Sighing, I trudged to the fridge to see if they have milk, and sure enough, they do have two cartons of milk. I only eat cereal if it's with milk.

Walking to the table, I prepare myself a glass of milk and ate my breakfast.

Shortly after, I decided to take a bath. After, I took my tight black tank top and my black leggings to wear to the fight that I'm going to have with the brunette pixie I met yesterday.

I don't even know her name. I only know of Shibisu, the leader-like tracksuit guy, and Anaak, the person I fought with yesterday.

Checking myself at the mirror, I see the reflection of a very determined girl who will climb up the tower and see the stars. I'll see father  soon as well, I thought excitedly.

The girl's carmine eyes are glowing in contrast of her light brown hair. The very first thing you'll notice about me are my eyes, and it's the last thing you'll remember after having fought with me. That's why people who've fought me or seen my fight called me the 'Scarlet Princess.'

Ironic isn't it? They don't know that I'm a princess, but they call me one because, as they say, I look like a princess. They even compared me to someone called Androssi or Endorsi? Whatever. All I know is I've been hearing my name together with hers to compare our looks.

Not to brag, but, more people are saying that I'm prettier than that girl. I don't blame them though. *le flips my hair*

Exiting the test area where the examination room and our rooms are, I went to the clearing pixie girl told me about. As much as we'd like to fight each other, I don't want to get disqualified. So we thought of a way to fight without having the test administrators finding out.

"Hey, Red witch!" Someone called me. I looked to my right and raised a brow. The pixie girl laughed as I looked at her.

"Ha! You are a witch!" she cackles. I roll my eyes and looked at her again, "I didn't see you either, gnomey. Good thing you called me." I smiled at her mischievously.

Fuming at my words, she stormed to me, but the samurai guy stopped her by holding her shoulder.

"Stop it, Androssi." he chastised. "You'll get to fight her anyway. Don't act hastily." huffing at his words, Androssi obliged.

What a good girl. I thought. Wait, Androssi? Is she the girl all those men were talking about?

She looks decent enough. No wonder those boys compared her to me. I sigh.

"Good morning, miss." Shibisu greeted me with a smile. I waved at him and gave him a smile of my own. "Good morning."

I looked at the other four who came with Shibisu and greeted them a very cheerful good morning. Hesitantly, they answered back.

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