Episode 5

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A few months later.

20th floor

What the hell?

Groaning awake, I squint my eyes and sat up abruptly as I've been shaken awake by the jumping that's been going on in my bed, unwelcomed. I looked at the pesky vermins who disrupted my precious sleep and gave them the stink eye.

"What the hell?"

Smirking at the obvious sneer I gave the perpetrator of my awakening, she stopped jumping and slowly sat down beside me. "Good morning, sunshine!"

Groaning again, I took the pillow that I've been hugging and chucked it at my face as I laid back into the comfort of my bed.

"Go away." the muffled sound of me shooing her away didn't do her any good because she clicked her tongue and snatched the pillow away from my hands. Still unsatisfied, she pried the blanket that I was using away from me.

Shoving the drapes open, I hissed at the sun as I totally lost the will to sleep because of this irritating little bee that helped this annoying pixie wake me up from my slumber.

"Again, what the hell, Androssi? Vespa?" Looking at them with the meanest glare I can muster, I scratched my head in irritation when I saw their smug faces.

"I said, good morning, sunshine!" With a wave of her fingers, Androssi twirled at side of my bed, still clad in her sleeping attire which consists of a black racerback and a black cycling shorts. "We'll take the test today."

"And we need to get ready." piped Vespa. Sighing heavily, I stood up begrudgingly and stretched my body from the lack of movement I've done in my sleep, and then a hear a whistle.

Glaring up at Androssi, I asked an irritated what at her face, which she and Vespa only giggled at together.

Done with their antics, I pushed past them and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Hey!" screamed Androssi. Huffing at the lack of attention I gave her, she huffed and trudged toward me with Vespa flying alongside her. "Good morning, Sarai." Vespa politely said to me as she looked at me from the mirror I'm looking at, at the front of my sink.

Still brushing my teeth, I nod at her and tried to greet her back, but incoherent words and foamy toothpaste are the only ones that left my mouth.

"Eww, Sarai, that isn't what a girl should act like." Androssi chastises. Rolling my eyes at her, I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed my mouth.

"What Androssi means is, a hot girl like you shouldn't act like that." Vespa explains, After wiping my mouth, I looked at Androssi with a smirk in my face.

"Oh ho? You think I'm hot Androssi?" Wiggling my eyebrows at her, she scrunched her face in disgust and muttered 'eww' tons of times while hugging herself subconsciously.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested."

Laughing at her, I left the comfort of my room and trudged towards the kitchen where Verdi and Anaak are seated. Vespa took the seat beside Verdi and I took the seat in front on Anaak. Food is already at the table, so I guess we're only waiting for the others.

"Good morning!" I chirped happily, the irritation that I got from being shook awake left at the sight of Androssi's annoyed face. Hearing their greeting back, I also heard the heavy foot steps of a certain irritated brunette.

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