chapter 9;trouble in school

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(A/n: hi guys, let's get started with this chappie. Woohoo... )

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
When I woke up I found myself lying on my bed." Wait!?!? Where am I ?? Oh wait!! This is my room" I then remembered that I was at the carnival. I was with AJ. We had soo much fun. Then we went to a bence to sit on since we were tired . Then I felt kinda sleepy so I slept. Did blitz brought me here?? Sure it would be him. Who else would bring me here??

Then I saw the time. It was 8 am. " Why do we have school today!!" I said to myself. But what can I do. No matter what happens I will have to go to school.

So I got up and brushed my teeth, blah blah blah , blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Then I went down and saw blitz cooking breakfast for us. He sure is annoying but he cooks great!! At least better than me.

"So you woke up early today sis, that's new." blitz said. " Yep.. anyways , do you need help cooking" I asked him cause the school starts at 9:30 today and it's only 8:30 now. I really did wake up early... " No need , I have already made it" he said. "Ok blitz" I replied . Just then scootaloo came and then we had our breakfast.

After breakfast I quickly took my bag and cycle and when to school as usual. I don't know why but I was kinda nervous today to go to school.

When I reached CHS, I saw my friends. I quickly parked my cycle and went to my friends. " Hello darling, how are you??" Rarity asked me. " I am fine. " Hey did you hear that today there are new students coming to our school!!!!!" Pinkie said , more like shouted. " No " I simply answered . " I hope they are kind and caring and not bullies who bully other students" fluttershy said stroking her long hair.
" Hope soo.." sunset added.

Then we went inside our school and got ready for our first classes. Twilight, SciTwi and Pinkie were having chemistry , rarity , sunset and fluttershy were having biology, and me and AJ were having history . Boring!!!!

Me and AJ sat beside each other. Then after a few minutes miss cheerilee came in. There were some students with her. Maybe they are the new students Pinkie was talking about.

When they came in , my eyes got wide and my jaws full open. " Oh on... Please not them........ Why!!!!! " I shouted mentally .(A/n: Who is it?? Who are the new students???? Oh wait!! I am the author 😑😑. If I only don't know then who will?? Anyways, the chappie hasn't ended yet...)

Dumbbell!!!! Lighting dust!!! The one who used to bully me when I was a child. But wait!! They are not alone . 

lighting snow!!!!!

My life could not get any worst, can it!!! (A/n: it sure can..)

Actually I didn't told the whole truth about him. (A/n: get ready for a flash back story... *Grabs popcorn and starts eating*.... )

When I started ignoring him he started to flirt with me. But since I used to ignore him he tried to touch me and kiss me!!! I mean seriously!!!! I was only 13 that time. Lucky, I escaped evertime he try to do it. But then he became more and more annoying... He started to follow me everywhere. Then lightning dust started bullying me. Because she liked lighting snow but he just kept on chaseing me and ingnored her. Lightning dust became jealous because if this and hurt me when I was alone... I was tired of getting bullying and hurt. "I am tired of fu*king life." I shouted but lucky no one heard.

(A/n: Cw- (0_0) rainbow!! Did you just used a cursed word???? That you are not suppose to use...

Rd- ammm... Sor- wait!!! Who are you????

Cw- I am the author of this book. Ahh! Don't try to change the topic.

Rd- sorry, I was just - just - just - so - ahhhh!!! Just leave it. I was angry that time ok.....

Cw- ( 0_0") ok dash... Let's just get back to the story ...
* In my mind * O God, she looks soo scary when she is angry.. I better don't make it worst. What!! I wanna live too... I have a story to continue...)

After my 15th birthday I tried to kill myself . Luckly, blitz saw me and stopped me on time. But it didn't stop me. I started cutting myself. One day my parents saw me doing it and quickly took me to hospital.

After I was recovered, they asked my why I did it. I told them the whole story. From that day, they took great care of me and blitz became over protective towards me. But I still used to get bullied in school. So my parents dicided to homeschool me.

But then I became lonely. I didn't have any friends. Scoots and blitz were the only one with whom I can play with.
But they were my siblings, not friends. My parents knew that I was upset because I didn't had any friends. Fluttershy left long back time ago and my only friends spitfire and fleetfoot were at school. But my parents didn't wanted to sent me back there. So they shifted me here at CHS.

But seriously!!!!! Are they ever going to leave me alone so I can leave peacefully.........

I face palmed with both of my hands and hit my head on the bence....

"Why!!! Just why!!!"


A/n: hey guys, if your wondering what's Cw....Well it's the short form of my oc "crafty wing". I will tell you about it later....

And also I will write only one chappie a day for now. Reason, SCHOOL OF COURSE!!!! * Ahem * sorry for shouting...

Anyways, byeeeeee......

And always stay healthy, peace out😎

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