Chapter 20

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I could barely manage to open my eyes when I realized what just happened. I didn't hit my head so I was awake to feel the spinning of the car, the glass scratching my skin, but worst of all, the pain racing up and down my leg. I knew it wasn't broken or else I would be crying right now, but something hard and heavy was lodged into it. Maybe a piece of long metal went into my leg. I looked at my leg and saw a big scrap of metal sinking the sharp tip into my shin. It was too deep to pull it out. I looked at my arms and saw a few scratches that were bleeding and then I felt the warmth on my forehead. I didn't know how big the cut was but it was bleeding. I looked over at Trevor and his eyes were closed. He had a deep cut on his cheek and arms and a red area on his forehead indicating he probably hit his head. I looked around carefully and saw Lydia in the back. She wasn't unconscious or badly hurt.

"Lydia? Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. Nothing hit me just a few glass shards." I turned back around to see 2 figures getting out of the silver car. Their boots were heavy and slowly walking towards us. I grabbed the gun that was laying on the roof and quietly handed it to Lydia.

"Whatever you do, do not move or make a sound," I said through gritted teeth. The boots stopped at my broken window and the figure opened the damaged door with ease.

"Well what do we have here?" The lady said. She was Australian. The figure standing next to Trevor's window crouched down to look at him and stood back up without even touching him.

"The other one is gone," He said. I felt panic in my chest when he said those words.

No. He can't be. He didn't check for a pulse. Trevor can't be dead. My thoughts screamed.

"Doesn't matter. I saw this one on the database and they're offering $150,000 for her. Enough to get us both out of here," The woman said. She reached down to unbuckle me and grabbed me, pulling me out without acknowledging my scream of pain. The pain was spiking in my leg from the metal in it but she didn't care. She dragged me out and gripped my arm hard, forcing me on my feet. She walked me towards the silver car, slowly, considering that every step hurt and I couldn't go any faster.

"Hey, Kate," The man said eagerly. The woman stopped in her tracks, swinging her red hair in my face when she turned to face the blonde man.

"Looks like we have another one in here," He said, pointing to the back. She let go of my arm and walked over towards the blonde man standing in front of the back. Lydia. I couldn't let them take her. I stood up straight instead of leaning against the car and tried to run the best I could over to the red haired woman and blonde haired man. I managed to punch the woman, knocking her down to the ground and swing my good leg against the back of the blonde man's knees. The red haired woman grabbed me in a bear hug, trying to pin my arms to my sides but I managed to get my right arm free and elbow her in the chin. Lydia crawled out of the back and handed me my gun and stood behind me. The blonde man managed to get up and point a gun at me. And so did the red haired lady.

"Run," I whispered to Lydia. And she did as I told her to. She ran and the red haired woman and blonde man didn't chase after her. Instead they stood there pointing their guns at me.

"You aren't getting away like your friend," The man said with a faint southern accent.

"You can try to take me but it won't be fairly easy," I said. I put my finger on the trigger but I didn't have a fast enough reaction time to what had happened in only a few seconds. The blonde man lowered his gun and charged at me, stealing the gun away from my hand and pinning me to the ground. I tried to break my hands free but he was too strong. The red haired woman walked over to me and crouched down next to my left leg that still had the metal in it.

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