The Avatar Returns pt. 2

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Y/n pov

The boomerang strikes Zuko on the back of his helmet, causing him to push forward by the blow. The boy rearranges his helmet and growls at me and Sokka as the boomerang plummeted into the ground in front of Sokka's feet. Zuko then readies two fire daggers. My body was filled with fear once again. This could be the end for me.

Zuko began to walk towards me. That's when I began to notice that behind him, a familiar airbending boy was rapidly riding a penguin towards us. Aang takes Zuko's feet from underneath him, tossing the boy off his feet as he speeded past us.

Aang soared into the air as the prince landed on his face. The children of the village cheered upon his arrival. Me and Sokka get up and run back to Katara and Gran-Gran. Aang comes to a halt and the penguin tosses Aang off, causing him to fall onto his rear.

"Hey Katara. Hey Y/n. Hey Sokka." The airbender said cheerfully. "Hi, Aang. Thanks for coming." My brother responds moodily. Aang looked back at the Fire Nation soldiers and Zuko, who was back on his feet. Zuko's men began to spread out, surrounding Aang.

Zuko and Aang assumed a fighting stance with Aang staff held firmly in front of him as he was being surrounded by the soldiers. I watched as Aang sweeps the ground side-to-side with his staff, showering the men with snow. He slams the ground, causing a rush of snow towards Zuko, who was bracing for impact. The prince heated up the snow, melting it off him while looking up at Aang angrily.

"Looking for me?" Aang says.

"You're the airbender? You're the Avatar?" Zuko says shocked.

I knew it! I knew he was the Avatar!

I turn to my siblings who had shocked tooks on their faces.

"Aang?" Katara says surprised.

"No way!" Sokka says.

I look back at Aang and Zuko, who were moving in a circular pattern.

"I've spent years preparing for this encounter. Training, meditating. You're just a child!" Zuko says angrily.

"Well, you're just a teenager." Aang says, tilting his head in confusion.
I began laugh a little at that statement but stop when Gran-Gran shots me a look, telling me to stop.

The two of them started to fight again but to be honest, I wasn't really paying any attention to what was going on. With the Avatar back, he could stop the war! There could finally be peace within the four nations.

I was lost in thought until I hear Aang say something that shocked me.

"If I go with you, will you leave everyone alone?"

I see Aang hold his staff in front of him as an offer. I was at a lost for words. He was going to go with them! He can't leave . . .

Zuko nodded in agreement. As they began to walk away, my sister runs after them. "No! Aang, don't do this!" Katara said sadly. At this point, I was at the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, Katara. It'll be okay. Take care of Appa for me until I get back." Aang said, and he sounded surprisingly calm. He then got shoved on the walkway, boarding the ship.

"Head a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home." I hear Zuko say.

When they reached the top, Aang smiled weakly at us before the bow of the ship locked into place. A tear escaped my eye, rolling down my cheek. I was really gonna miss him.

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Me and Katara were standing  on the edge near the shore. We were at a lost of words. I was still shocked about what just went down. I started to hear footsteps coming from behind us. I turn around to see that it was Sokka, who was carrying a pack to a canoe.

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