chapter 5

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Before I start, I just wanna apologize for how long it took me to get this done. I kept putting it off to the side, because of my very busy life. I might tell you guys about it later, but for now, let's get to to the story!

Warning - there will be angst. 0-0

"Come on, you're gonna blow our cover!" Deceit heard as he was being dragged through the forest.He didn't really wanna respond to Remus at the moment. He had been hit in the face with a branch and his cheek was sore, but decided not to tell him, because he didn't wanna give it away. He was afraid that his talking would sound funny. Despite being hit by branches and scratched by some plants, he was still at comfort. Remus's warm hand holding his. Although he was pulling his through the woods, it was still keeping Deceit at ease. With one last tug, Deceit was pulled from a scratchy forest to a clear area.

He then glanced around to see a lake surrounded by a thick, but peaceful forest. The moonlight gleaned on the surface on the calm lake, with nothing disturbing it accept a few frogs and fireflies.

"We're here."

Deceit had never seen such beauty in nature before. Deceit was interrupted from his glancing with the soft tug of Remus, wanting to lead him to the deck. Deceit quickly nodded, and they both continued. He was nervous at first, but the scenery just lifted all of that pressure off of your shoulders. They had made it to the deck, where Remus lay the blanket on the old but smooth wood of the deck. He then lay the few candles down on the deck, lined up at the edges of the deck perfectly. He took the lighter and lit the candles with caution. Deceit admired how someone as big and brave as Remus would be cautious with candles. It was nice to see his light and fluffy side show a bit. He then sat down with his legs crossed, and gestured him to sit next to him. Deceit slowly sat down, because he wanted to feel like a princess, and because Prince charming was watching him.

With candles lit and a perfect scene, Remus decided to start conversation first.

"So, how do you like it?"

Deceit stood in silence, awed by his surroundings. With so much to admire around him, Remus was by far, the most astonishing sight of them all. His hair in the moonlight and how his face had a soft shine to it was absolutely beautiful.

"It's perfect, it's astonishing."

Remus smiled lightly, he loved seeing deceit in such a scene. He just was so...calm. Nothing was worrying him, and he wasn't hiding anything. That's what remus fell in love with, that sweet sweet smile. Remus then proceeded to start continue conversation.

"I thought that you might like it, it reminded me of you."

Deceit slowly turned to Remus, Remus looking up at the sky. He was flattered, wait, had Remus just flirted with him?

"Uh, thanks."

There was a long silence

"So, I'm gonna try to make this less awkward. Tell me about your past life....I mean- if you don't wanna then that's fine. I'll go first though, I have a lot to tell you.

Deceit looked into Remus's eyes, they were perfect. But, he had a feeling that he had been through some bad things.

"Well, I was born in a small little town called Groves, Colorado. And i was parents didn't want me. So I was taken to a orphanage, and i lived a a boring and hopeless life there. I did manage to escape, but I was 15 and they probably don't even know that im gone. I was on the run, and I wanted to go to Texas and start a new life. And on my way to Texas, I found Roman. He was young and scared. He was living under a bridge sad and alone. He was only 12, so I had to take him in. He told me that he lost his parents 2 months ago, and he couldn't find them. I helped him look for a few days, but nothing. So, I offered to take him with me to Texas, and he agreed. Mainly cause he had nowhere to go. So, I stole a car and 2 guys wallets, and I was on my way. And I know that the stealing sounds bad, but I mean what was I gonna do? So it took a while, but a few days later and we had made it to Texas. And I signed myself and Roman up so we could have a place to stay over the summer.....sooo yea.

Remus looked back at Deceit, his eyes wide and full of sorrow. Deceit had felt so bad for him. He looked back on all of those times when he hated life, and it made them look pathetic. Remus had a harder life then Deceit, and he had never felt such somber. Deceit then looked at Remus, and slowly when in for a hug. He then had his small arms raped around Remus, squeezing him lightly. Remus lightly smiled, and hugged him back lightly. It was a very beautiful moment, the two lovers imbracing each other in the moonlight. When Deceit released the hug, he then glanced at Remus.

"Well, my life is pretty normal. I've got 2 dads, one brother, and a pretty nice family. Nothing cool."

Remus looked at him, so small and gorgeous.

"And my name isn't Deceit, it's Janus"

"Janus, what a beautiful name to match a beautiful person."

Remus then leaned in to his face, putting a single finger on his lips. He then slowly dragged his finger to his chin, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Deceit was pulled into Remus's chest, as they imbraced each other in the moonlight.

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