~ Sanatasia ~

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  • Dedicated to the banana/cheez-it

Chapter Whatever: Angelica

"So... Basically, I will be trained to kill a bunch of dangerous creatures and fend off evil and stuff?" I asked, my mind still reeling from what Logan had said to me the last time he was here. Unanswered and unasked questions swirled around my head, nudging me closer and closer to prod him to spill the answers to my fate.... Our fate. But most of all, I still had a sensational, warm, fizzy feeling bubbling inside me from what he said. 'Is there still a slim possibility that he might have feelings for me?'  I wondered. I wrenched my thoughts away. 'No....... No, no, no, no! He will never love me. He never did. He's just getting me closer to him so he can stab me in the back again, quite literally at that, and nothing can change my mind to even let me doubt that he hates me. He tried to kill me, if that isn't proof enough, tried to extract every hopeful, living breath from my dying lungs, tried to watch every drop of my blood drain from my body like tragic tears, and tried to force my lifeless heart to pump away my joy and happiness at being near him. He will never return my faithful, delicate love that I had so intricately placed in his perfect hands. Would he extend his grasp to such extremities of vulgarity such as they were? Shaking, I managed a defiant face. I wouldn't believe him, but I would hear what he had to say. But just because I was curious as to see what obviously fake lie he would weave, hoping I would go along with his false story of monsters and warriors and heroic battles to the death and all. At least, that's what I told myself.

"Yep, pretty much, but that's just the overall picture." Logan leaned against the wall titillatingly. He had that smirk on that made me want to smile, it warmed my heart, made me feel like I was flying, soaring high above the clouds. Casually, he libidinously flipped his long, perfect bangs to the side, which had been framing his voluptuous eyes. I had to force myself not to reach for him so he could hold me. I could see the lean muscle of his abdomen and his tight white T- shirt followed his figure closely and flowed with his body, moving in a sinuously graceful and way that overwhelmed me with senses -- Oh, no. Here I go again. What am I going to do with myself? Breaking out of my dreamily staring, I nodded. Then another question popped into my mind.

"Oh, by the way, you never answered my question." I began, glaring at him irritably. "What is this giant place called, anyway? This whole other world, this'different dimension' sort of thing?"

"1, it is not another planet or dimension. It is more of an... alternate universe-type thing that mingles and shimmers in and out of the mortal realm. Some things are visible to the bare senses of humans, and some things are hidden from the naked eye that must be searched for, if the knowledge has been granted to sed human." I rolled my eyes. Must he talk in his 'I-know-everything-and-I-can-speak-in-Shakespeare-like-words-to-make-myself-sound-more-sophisticated' voice? "And 2,this place is called, drumroll please..." More dramatic scenes? Really? "Sanatasia! Ta -da! And, cue fireworks!" I didn't say anything. I was too held up in the immense power and wonder and awe that radiated off of Logan, I mean, the word 'Sanatasia'. Yeah. That's what I meant. But it was true, the name did have hidden magical secrets held back within its depths. "Well?" He asked.

"Well, nothing. You're acting like I should be doing something." I replied.

"Well, you have to say something. Anything."

"Like what?"

"Like..... What do you think of the name?"

"Ummm. I like it. It's pretty." Stupid! I sound like a 6 year old! 'I like it. It's pretty.' What's wrong with me? "Well, it doesn't sound exactly.... English. More like, ancient Greek or something."

"Exactly." He said, and winked, like I had just said something that he was waiting for me to say. He stepped away from the wall with one foot swung out in front of him confidently, one of his signature moves, commonly paired with previously leaning against the wall. He walked towards me, belief in himself shining through him with every step he took. Half of me was terrified and threatened to leave and abandon the other half of me to flounder around helplessly, the side that still pleasured in the delight of his company, despite my distress and mistrust toward the man to which was tied a heavy burden of destiny and past, the man standing right in front of me. "All Sanatasian words sound different, " He began, "At least, different from all mortal words. Sanatasia is broken up into different regions, called Lands. The place where a warrior was raised is called their HomeLand. There are 5 Lands, Elaria; Adriallen; Lorialle; Elina; and Cantennial. However, there is one region that is not referred to as a Land, but is considered a rejected region because of a terrible story that I will have to share with you another time. It is called the Forbidden Ring, of many titles. One way to refer to it in Sanatasian is 'Querovnos'. It is a heavily wooded area that has so many horrible legends tied to it." He shuddered. "I tremble at the very mention of the stories. The Forbidden Ring circles Sanatasia, on every side, like a barrier, and it is very difficult for any Sanatasian to cross the border in any form. Who knows what could await anybody who attempts to cross? Who would be brave or courageous enough to try?" Then he looked down at the ground. It looked like he was trying to muster up enough strength and was trying to think of the right words to say. "I.... Well, one time, I......... There was this time when..... This thing....... Happened, and....... And then I.......... Well, I.........."

Suddenly, I felt sympathetic towards him. I knew I shouldn't have been, but I was. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I whispered in a soft voice, surprising even myself. Logan looked up, slightly startled that I would have said that.

"W-what?" He began. "What did you say?"

I looked up at him and took a deep breath. "I said, no one is forcing you to tell me. If you don't want to, you don't have to. It's okay."

He still looked bewildered and partially puzzled. Uncertainty and what looked like sad, angry remembrance flashed for a moment in his eyes, but then it was gone as quickly as it had come. We were silent for a long, long time until he finally spoke. "You- you were angry at first, very angry. But I knew that some part of you, deep inside, knew I didn't mean to do it." I knew instantly what he was talking about. What he did to me that changed my life forever. "Then you opened your heart to me and told me how you really felt- how sad you really were. And now you- you're kind of....... comforting me...... i guess? Can we.......... Can we start over again? I really do love you, Angelica." I was utterly shocked. I literally had nothing to say. Nothing. I was speechless. I had not been expecting this. I hadn't really been expecting anything, but especially not this. Was he seriously trying to coax me into being his girlfriend again? But then there was that hopeful voice eagerly squealing in my head, telling me to say yes. Maybe we really could have a brighter future, put things back to the way they used to be. I longed for that feeling more than anything else. I wanted it so badly.


Hey, guys! I'm sosososososossosososossosoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about the pathetic length of this chapter, it's really inexcusable, I should be ashamed, I know. Just wanted to raise the antiscipation, and boy are you all in for something. I was wondering what you think of Logan? Good? Bad? Telling the truth? Lying? And what about Angelica? Will she accept his declarationof love? Will she refuse?Tell me all about it in the comments, please, I would really appreciate your feedback! Also, you can Meebo me (that thing in the bottom right corner. Yeah, that one). That is, if I'm online, and I go on here everyday, so go ahead. In the Meebo, could you give me ideas to build off of for future, things that might happen in the book. For example, if you think you have a really good contribution of something you want to happen or mention or whatever in this book, feel free to tell me, but only in Meebo so the others won't even know what hit them, so they won't see it coming. (Laughs evilly). So, yeah. I'm open to any and all ideas or suggestions, although I may not use them all, no promises. Again, I apoligize for how terribly short this chappie is. I love all of you, but you know who's my favorite? The Vote button! I think you love Mr. Vote-This-Chappie just as much as I do, so give him a push! Come on! Push the button! He's waiting! Okay, so I hoped you enjoyed this story so far. (Oh, and for those of you who know who I'm talking about, the banana/cheez-it is doing better, thanks for the concern and sympathy you all "so obviously showed". You know, the kind of concern that wasn't really there? I kid, just joking, you were all very supportive about it. *Insert sarcastic comment here*) MMD

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