Chapter 27 : An Opening

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I woke up feeling extra jolly today, thinking that we are going out for some shopping after we picked up Type from his kindergarten. I then turned my head to my son, who is extra chirpy as he is going back to school after a few days off thanks to his fever.


Does this considered as our first date?

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The notification stops my imagination. I then took out my smartphone and start reading the text I just received.

It's Khun Yai...

"Mew, can you meet me at the cafe over breakfast?"

"Khun Yai, I have a meeting with a supplier at 9 AM. Maybe we can meet over lunch?" I gave another suggestion and click send.

"Alright," she gave a short reply.

"Make sure Gulf is not at the cafe," she sends another text.


Why did she specifically request that?

Damn, this is bad...

I even make a special plan today...

Given that it's Type's birthday in 3 days...

"Yai Nong," I called him who is enjoying his omelet.


"I think I can't make it today. There's a sudden work I need to manage," I gave an excuse.

"Oh, it's alright. There's nothing much we need to buy anyway. Just some decoration,"

"Sure? I can ask James to accompany you," I gave another option.

"Aw, Phi. Really, it's just some light shopping. No need to worry, I'm not gonna spend all of your money!" he replied cynically.

It is indeed not an easy task to court him!

"I don't mind though," I gave him my sweetest smile.

"Oi, are you alright, Phi? You looked so weird," he commented.

"Nothing," I gave a short answer.

Can't he see I'm trying to get closer to him?

Oih, he really is clueless!

"Take the car. I'll ride my bike today," I informed him as I handed him the car key.

After breakfast...

"Bye, Daddy!" my son bids me goodbye chirpily.

"Bye, Buddy! Make me proud, Na?" I ruffle his hair before I land a kiss on his forehead.

"Type, aren't your Appa going to bid me goodbye too? We won't be seeing each other much today," I threw my bait.

"Appa, shouldn't Daddy gets his jub jub too? I saw my Thorn Lung does it everyday," he questioned.

That's my son!

But all I get was a hard, small pinch on my arm.

"Nong, that freaking hurts!" I complained.

"Phi, what's wrong with you? You have been acting super weird since yesterday," he whispered.

"Why? Can't I get a sweet goodbye from my wife? So stingy!" I questioned, making him stunned.

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