Shot (Liam and Louis FanFic) For Abbyrulez1000 (:

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Abbys POV:

"Abby!" Louis Yells "What Boo Bear?"I holler back. "Do you have any carrots?" Louis asked going through the kitchen. Ohk, so I have athing for Louis, Harry styles is my brother and I also like Liam. I doubt They would like me back but i couldnt help it. They were both so cute. "Uh I dont think so." I yell back laughing. I hear louis footsteps running into the living room where i was sitting. He jumpped on the couch.."How Do You Not Have Carrots!" he yells. I laughed. "I Dont Like Carrots.." I say laughing. He stops jumping and sits down. "What? Your Gunna hate me now because i dont like carrots." I say joking. He's Just staring at me. He starts to lean over. He goes from my lips to my eyes and back to my lips. "You dont have to like carrots, I already like you." He sayd putting a stran of hair behind my ear. I smile. Our lips centimeters apart. His lips crash on mine and i feel like im in heaven. He licks my bottom lip begging for entrance. Without thinking i part my lips and our tounges battle. He ends up winning and his tounge explores my mouth. We were full-on snogging and my phone begins to ring. I pull part from louis and we laugh. "Who ever that is better make it fast." He says. I laugh answering the phone. "Hello?" I ask. " Hey abz." Liams voice says. "Oh hey..whats up?" I say. "Uh, i was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch Toy Story With Me" he says. "Oh um, one second." I say putting the phone to my chest. "Its Liam, He wants me to go over to his flat to watch a movie." I say. "Oh, go head, im gunna go out and get something to eat." he says standing up. "Are you sure?" i ask. "yea babe, go ahead have fun.." Louis says kissing my cheeck. "Ohk, have fun" i say has he walks out the door. "I will." i hear him yell outside. I put the phone back to my ear. "Hey Liam, I'll be right over." I say. "Ohk, I'll see you then. " Liam says. "Ohk, Im gunna stop at dunkin donuts. What do you want?" I ask. "Oh um, i'll just have a coffee." He says."Ohk, see ya then.." I say. "Ohk, bye" Liam says. "Bye" i say hanging up. I grab my jacket and go out to my car. I arrive at Dunkin Donuts and walk inside. Im second in line when a man in a hoodie and face mask walks in. "EveryBody Get Down!" he yells taking out a gun. I turn around and sit down as soon as i see him. My eyes getting teary i slowly scoot my butt under a table in the back. The man is no longer in my sight, and i was no longer in his. I take out my phone with tears flooding my eyes. I look at my contacts and call liam. "Hello?" he ask. "Liam I need help." i whisper crying. "What happened? where are you? why are you crying?" liam yells. "Im at dunkin donuts, and its being robbed and they guy has a gun." i whisper once again still crying. "Oh My god, I'll be right over, dont move." he says. "Ohk." i cry. "Im gunna call the police and i'll be right over. Dont worry i'll keep you safe. Call harry and let him know." he said. "Ohk, hurry" i cry.I hang up and call Harry. "Hey abz whats up?" Harry says. "Har- Harry." I manage to say in-between my cries. "Abz Whats wrong?!" Harry yells. "I need you to call the police. Im at dunkin donuts and there is a guy with a facemask and he has a gun." i cry. "Omg...Ohk, i need you to tell me what he looks like." he says. "I..I cant.." i cry. "Why not.." Harry says frustrated. "If i do, he'll see me and shoot me." I cry. "Abby, you need to." He whispers. I nod knowing he couldnt see me. "Ohk, one sec." I poke me head out from under the table and i see the man walking my way. "Harry hes coming towards me" i cry. "Im almost there..Dont worry." Harry says hanging up. The guy is standing infront of the table only allowing me to see his feet. I back up pushing ,myback on the wall. Crying. He grabs my feet and pulls me out. I scream. "No! Pease dont shoot me!" i yell. He outs his hand in my pocket and takes my phone out. "Who did you call!" he yells. I cry. "Answer Me!" he says holding the gun to my head. "No One!" I yell. He throughs me to the ground. I look out the window and i see Harry and Liam. Liam was crying and Harry looked scared. "Whos that?" He says pointing the gun at harry. Harry and Liam wallk in the store. The man turns and face him. "Let her go." Liam says his fist in a ball. "And who are you?" He ask. The man looks at me, laughs and looks at Liam and Harry. "Your here for the girl arent you?" He turns around and laughs, "So, what would you do if i shot her?" he says pointing the gun at my chest. "Please Dont..Thats my sister." Harry cries. "And i dont care..." The man says turning to be and laughs. He looks back at Liam and walks closer to me. Liam steps forward. The man picks me up by myhair and i scream. He holds the gun to my head. Im not full on crying. "If you want her to live then step away from the door. Liam and harry step to the side. The man throughs once again to the floor and runs to the door. He aughs and turns around. He aims his gun at me and shoots.I instantly fall to the floor.The man runs out the door and disappears. Liam and Harry come running over to me and liam is full on crying to. "Dont give up.." Is what i hear liam say before i black out.

**2 Days Later**

I open my eyes and im no longer at dunkin donuts. Im in a hospital bed. "Abby.." i hear a similar voice say. Liam. "Liam?" i ask. He comes over and sits down. his eyes puffy and red. "Liam? Were you crying?" I ask. "Yea." he says. "Why?" I asked. "Its my fault you were shot.." He says a tear rolling down his cheek. "no it wasnt..Why would you say that?" i ask my eyes watering. "I invited you over..If i havent you would still be safe at your home." he says grabbing my hand. "Liam, no it wasnt your fault." i say. "Abby, i've wanted to tel you something for a while now." he says. "Yea? whats up Lee?" I say forcing a smile on my face. "I love you abby." he says crashing his lips on mine. His lips full so soft. It was a gentle but passionate kiss. All up intell Louis walked in. "What the.." Louis says. Me and Liam pull apart. "Abby? What about our kiss?" He says. I freeze and loop u at liam who was looking at me. "Abby..I like you, i do..but i think you deserve someone better then Liam, Someone who wont get you shot!" Louis yelled glaring at Liam. "Louis! It wasnt his fault!" I yell at him. Liams fist were once again clenched. "Abby, you need to pick, me or the dumbass who almost got you killed." Louis says. "Louis..Whats gotten into you? Liams your friend and it was an accident.!" I yell. "Pick!" he yells. "I pick Liam!" i yell grabbing liams hand. "Whatever, when he ends up killing you, i wont be at your funeral" Louis says exiting the room. Liams fist unclench and he sits back down. "You know, you might die..And its all my faught. The blood isnt flowing right..Its all my faught." He says looking down at our hands. "Liam, I dont care, you tried, you risked you life for me, and I love you. " i say. He kisses my forehead and climbs into the bed with me.

**2 years Later**

So, i survived. Im all healthy and Liam and I have been dating for 2 years now. Louis apoligized and found a new girl. Her name is Eleanor and they are very happy togther. Liam is so romantic, on our first date, he asked me to be his girlfriend on the top of the feris wheel. I love him to death and he loves me too. Eceryhting turned out to be perfect.I was Loving Life.. All because I was Shot.


Hey so, i forgot to post this last night and im sorry!! i hope you liked it. Abby was shot in real life and she survived. God Bless ya (: I hope you enjoyed it(: Youra strong Girl. (: Well anyways Byee!


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