Hit The Breaks (Zayn)

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Slamming the door to her black Mercedes-Benz shut, Maya grumbled profanity to herself in anger as she reversed from his driveway.

“Little bastard thinks he can do and have everything. But no! I can’t even go out with my flipping friends for one night before he goes all mental. Jerk.” Mumbling to herself at the stop sign she just reached, she turned to flip the switch on her stereo, before looking both ways and starting up again. Much to her distaste- you could tell by the horrifying screech of annoyance that followed afterwards- her least favourite song came on. No, it was deeper than that. The song she absolutely hated at that moment came on the stereo.

We've got a bit of love/hate
You take me to the edge then you hit the brakes
I say it's over one day,
But then I'm crawling back begging you to stay
We make up and we break up all the time

“Dedicated to me, my ass.” Maya muttered, before swinging left in a swirling motion, leaving cars honking at her full pace and a couple of unmentioned words spoken.

“Oi, shut up!’ She called out, angrily through the window yet slowing down never-the-less; although the tiniest bit.

Maya sighed to herself. This wasn’t her getting worked up over a guy but he was the only goddamn exception. Whenever she was near him irrational and in-explainable events happened. It wasn’t her fault, she swears, but that stupid, sarcastic comment that leads to a stupid battle between the two sexes and then a few hugs and kisses and *ahem* making up alas usually the result of her over-blown temper. Of course the make-up sex made it all worth-while but she still didn’t like the fights that occurred beforehand. Especially since the fights occurred more often than the after hand pleasures could.

I'll say that I hate a song, then you'll go request it the whole night long
Some people say it's so wrong but even when we fight,
Girl, you turn me on
We make up and we break up all the time

Stopping at the next red light, Maya’s head went to hit the back of the seat,

“Why does he have to be such an ass?” she muttered, tried and angrily to herself. “Forgetting a date is one thing; but forgetting our fucking anniversary?” Snarling to herself, she felt bonkers. The looks from the woman in the car beside her weren’t helping.

“I’m not daft, old granny! I can fucking see you!” Maya yelled snobby, before hitting the gas petal and speeding away from the witch. Maya could practically feel like her glares shivering down her own back. She couldn’t believe what he had reduced her to. It would be a goddamn miracle if she didn’t crash into someone right now. Maya sighed before swinging right into her driveway.

This sucks. She thought to herself, sadly. All that she could think about were those melting, hazel eyes of his, the sweep of his hair and he smirk etched across his lips as he came down for a kiss.

We're like na na na
Then we're like yeah yeah yeah
Always like na na na
Then we're like yeah yeah yeah

Snap out of it Maya! You’ve been looking forward to this day for weeks and he ruined it for you. He can’t even remember his own goddamn anniversary, despite being together for over a year!

She rolled her eyes before turning off the idling engine of her car.

Gas dammit. I knew I forgot something. She thought to herself, gritting her teeth before slamming the door and stomping up to her front door. Fishing through her pockets for her keys, she felt something in her pocket. Raising a brow, she took out the paper before examining it carefully. She automatically recognized the scrawl of handwriting.

Immediately shoving the paper back into her pocket, a string of course left her mouth again as she fumbled with her now-found keys and the lock. Finally the door opened, only to leave her gaping.

There, in the middle of her flat, were dozens of blue violets, her favorite flowers mixed with red roses.

Maya continued standing there, gaping with her mouth wide open until regaining her senses and realizing how stupid and daft she probably looked just standing there. Quickly walking inside, she spied Jack Woods-her neighbor- giving her an incredulous look. Glaring at him for a few minutes with such intensity, he flushed a crimson red before stumbling off away towards his flat. God.

Maya groaned as she stood in her flat with her hands on her hips. How in mother hell was she going to clean this up, was the question on her mind. She growled. Only another thing to add to the list of reason why she wanted to hate him.

She needed to take a hot shower.

Running a hand through her released shoulder-length golden brown hair, she trekked up towards her room.

But not before stopping to take a rose to smell and sigh happily over on her way up,

No we can't make up our minds
Cause when we think we've got it right
We go na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na


You wanna party too late
But when I do the same all you do is complain
You know that it drives me insane
When I get with you girl you make it okay
We make up and we break up all the time

Maya sighed, running a towel through her wet hair as her foot-steps interrupted the silence in her flat. She was already missing the presence of that boy who had taken over her life. Sure, they fought 24/7 but they had a connection; something that was hard to find these days, but they had it. And now all that she could think about was how they lost it.

Rolling her eyes at herself, she dropped her towel on the couch before jumping onto it herself. A nice nap was the next best thing on her mind right now. Suddenly, a familiar piece of paper floated its way in front of her, leaving her with an indescribable emotion.

“Sometimes…” Maya muttered to herself, a sad smile etched across her lips. Then as quick as lightning, she ran up the stairs and began the journey through her closet.

This was going to take a while.

.. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . ..

We're like na na na
Then we're like yeah yeah yeah
Always like na na na
Then we're like yeah yeah yeah

The roar of the crowd ripped through the stadium as the act finished their last song of the performance. A smile made its way to Maya’s lips as she turned to walk out the door nodding at the security men who let her step right past her and into the V.I.P. settings. Luckily with all the cheering, nobody seemed to notice. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, she smiled to herself contently, before opening the door that led to where her heart had been captured a million times.

Yet the room was empty.

“Hey babe.” A hoarse voice whispered in her ear, as a shiver ran up Maya’s spine. She couldn’t help the sensual feeling that followed after every breath.

Without even looking, Maya grabbed the persecutor’s tie and pulled him into the dark room, kicking the door shut with her foot.

“Hey yourself.” She muttered, before crashing her lips to his and falling into the dark room. Dark and locked room.

No we can't make up our minds
Cause when we think we've got it right

We go na na na na

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