Coffe Shop(Niall FanFic) For Allie (:

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Allies POV:

I was sitting in starbucks and it was really crowded for some reason. Since the line was horrific i decided to fing a seat in farther back. I was sitting there scrolling through twitter when i felt someone sit beside me. I looked up and saw..Niall Horan Of One Direction. Ommgg! I was trying  not to fangirl. I guess he notcied me spazzing out in my seat and looked up at me. Man his eyes were beautiful. Crystal Clear blue. Amazing..!! "Hello Love, are you okay?" He asked me with his thick irrish accent. "Wat..oh..yea just a fan." i say looking down at my hands. "Oh, cool, whats your favorite song..? He asked me. I couldnt really picked one so i just said the most recent one i heard..Little things. "Little Things.." I said looking back in his eyes. " whats your name?" He asked me. "Al..Al...Allie.." i finally choked up. He laughed. "Well, about we go find a less crowded coffee cafe?" He said. I was still fangirling on the inside from hi adorable laugh. "Uhh. Sure.." i said. We stood up and went inside a van. And i swear i think i was gunna pass out. There infront of me was Harry Styles. I liked him but not nearly as much as i did niall. "Uh, who this nialler?" He ask niall lookingme up and down. "Oh this is Allie, i met her in starbucks. It was crowded so i asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else." niall said looking over at me and smiling. "Oh, ohk." Harry said showing off his dimples. "You dont mind do you?" Niall asked. "Nope not at all, i like what i see." Harry said winking at me. I blushed and looked at niall who was giving the death glare to harry while he continued looking me up and down. "So allie...Tell us about yourself.." Harry said looking me into the eyes. "Uh, well, im an only child, i live with my dad, parents are divorced and im a directioner." I said smiling. "Well thats cool, im your favorite right?" Harry said. "Uhh.." i said looking down fiddling with my fingers. "Allie?" he said. "Harry face it, your not her favorite." Nial said laughing. "Wel who is then!" Harry said. "Uhh," I said looking at Niall. "What! You like Niall more than  this! " Harry said pointing at his face causing me and Niall to blush. "Well lets go to Dukin Donuts Then.." Niall said. Me and harry nodded. After we had our coffee Niall and Harry took me back to their flat to meet the rest of the boys. They are all very nice and down to earth. I've Caught Harry Staring at me a couple time and it made me uncomfortable. I guess Niall realized and took me into another room. "What wrong love?" He asked me all worried. "Um well Harry keeps staring at me and its making me feel weird." I admitted. "I'll talk to him." He said all serious. "No, No its ok." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yea." I said faking a smile. "Ok.." he nodded bringing me back into the room. "So allie, how old are you?" Louis asked me. "Im 19." i said looking over at harry who was looking at my legs biting his lip. Liam noticed and hit his shoulder. "Hey..!! Im 19 too!!" Zayn and Niall echoed. I laughed. "Well, i'll be right back, i have to use the bathroom " i said standing up and looking around. "Um, wheres the bathroom?" i asked. "I'll show you..!! " Harry got up and ran down a hallway. Niall gave me a worried look but i nodded telling him it was alrght. There flat was huge me and Harry turned into a differet hallway about four times. "So you like niall more than me?" Harry said raising an eyebrow. "Ahah yea, i dont know what it is but i really like him." I said. "Well, wanna know one thing Niall wouldnt do that i would." he said smirking. "What?" i said raising an eyebrow. And soon after that i was pulled into a room. "What are you doing harry?" i asked. He sat me on the bed and pushed my down and started kissing me. I kinda liked it but then i realized my heart was set on niall...not harry. He started tugging on my shirt and ended up taking it off me. "Harry..Stop." i said inbetween breathes. "What, you wanted to know what niall would never do. " he said smirking. his lips then went down to my collerbone and inbetween my breast. "Harry! Get off of me..!! " I said struggleing to get away from him. "Come on allie, dont you want me?" he said taking off his shirt revealing his toned abs. "Stop it!" i yelled as he tried remooving my bra. And just as he almost got it..Niall walked in.

Nialls POV:

"Stop It.!!" I herd a girls faint scream. I stood up and soon realized that it was Allies. I ran to Harrys room and opened the door to see harry laying on top of Allie with her shirt off. She was trying to get away from harry. Harry stopped and looked up at me. "What the Hell are you doing!" i yelled at harry. Harry stood up and Allie sat up leaning against the wall with her knees by her chest. "I was just having some fun" Harry said with a smirk. "Get out." i said in a deep voice. Harry ooked at me. "Come on man i was just playing." He said. "Dont make me say it again." I said clenching my fist. I guess harry realized and walked out of the room. I ran over to Allie who started Crying into my chest. "He just started out of no where.!!" she sobbed into my chest. "I know i know..shhh" i shushed her. She looked up at me..HEr beautful brown eyes paralizing me. "Allie, i wont ver let antone touch you like harry did." i said. She smiled. I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. "Niall," she said looking uo at me. "Yea Gorgeous?" i said. "I love you." She said. i smiled. " I love you too."

**2 Weeks Later**

Nialls POV:

Today was Allies and I's Third Date. I was finally going to ask her to be my girlfriend. We were at the top of the feriss wheell So i thought.. 'nows my chance' "Allie.." i said. "Yea Nialler?" she said. "Will you please do me the honors of becomeing my Girlfriend.  love you so much, so so much more than life, more than FOOD! " i said. She laughed. "Of cousre nialler.. I love you" She said. "I love you to baby." i said kissing her nose so lightly. She smiled.


Heyy So i hoped you like thiss.!! If i remember Correctly this was requested by @LittleThings13... If not then i'll just edit it. ahah well i hoped you like it. I made a little twist so it would be somewhat dirty. If you want i can make a sequeal to when they "Do IT" and he asks her to marry him. Sooo i need..

5 Votes OR Littlethings13 saying they want a sequeal..!! Kayy byee!! LotsOfLove!!


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