Chapter 7

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Neve's POV

Ember gets on 'Doom' and motions me to sit behind her. I'm glad everyone has left school, or else people would see this strange moment.

Getting on, I'm surprised when she grabs my hands, putting them around her waist. "Wouldn't want you falling off, now would we?" She sounds patronizing, making me loathe every second spent around her.

Huffing, I grip her waist as she starts the bike, pulling out of the parking space. I've never been on a motorcycle before, never having even been around one. This is all new to me, so when she speeds down the street, I grasp her waist tighter, terrified of falling off.

I hear her melodic laugh, and feel my cheeks heat up, knowing she's never going to let me forget about this. She drives like she is in total control of the fast vehicle, not an ounce of fear showing. She is obviously used to riding like this, going far over the speed limit. I don't have time to enjoy the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair because I'm so scared.

After a while longer, she pulls into an isolated house that is surrounded by the forest.

As if catching my train of thought, Ember says, "We live far away from people so they don't know what we do." What does she mean by that? I hear her mutter curses, so I guess I wasn't supposed to know that.

She parks her bike in the driveway, two other bikes also here. Who else does she live with?

Getting off quickly, wanting to get off that death trap, I hear her laugh again. My lips want to pull into a smile at the sound, it causing an emotion to ball up in my chest. Not understanding the way I was reacting, I decide to go back to my usual cold-acting self.

Also getting off, Ember looks back at me with a smile gracing her face. "Follow me."

We walk into the house, me trailing behind. I admire the open floor plan and the simple decorations. It's a modern home with two stories, the stairs at the front of the house. It feels homey, like it's been thoroughly lived in.

The girl who forced me to come with her looks at me while I admire her home. "Do you like it?"

Not liking the feelings in me that I feel whenever she's around, I retort, "Does it matter if I do?" I decide her hating me is the best option to avoid the feelings that arise within me every time she smiles or laughs. The butterflies in my stomach, the longing I feel. It's all so new to me.

She frowns, instantly making me feel bad. Sure I want her to hate me, but why does it hurt so much to see her like that? "Fine. I do think it is quite nice. Very homey."

I haven't been in a real home in five years, the feeling is quite odd. It makes me nostalgic, remembering the time before my powers. The time before everything went to shit.

The smile reappears on her face, as if she wanted my approval. This makes a small smile appear on my face as well. Seeing her happy makes me feel happy for some odd reason.

We stand in a comfortable silence before a boy comes down the stairs, staring straight at me. "Hey boss, I was wondering where you went." Boss? "Is she a new member?" What is he talking about? It is clear that he is talking to Ember, but what he is saying makes no sense.

"No, Mark, she's just a guest," Ember replies smoothly, looking at him with eyes that are screaming, 'shut up!'

He ignores her, still staring at me. "She's pretty hot."

I feel annoyance creep onto my face, as well as a faint blush. I look at Ember, wondering if she could help me. All she says is, "Stop being a dick. She's off limits."

Mark decides it would be a great idea to mess with Ember. "Ohhhh... She must be your very special guest, huh?" He suggests with a smirk on his quite handsome face.

Ember, probably used to his antics, just rolls her eyes. "I don't have to explain myself to you." She then turns to me, grabbing my hand, then proceeds to drag me up the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?" I question, slightly glad I'm away from Mark. I don't like talking with new people.

"To my room. We need to talk."

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