Chapter 20

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Neve's POV

Ember and I have been discussing what the deal with Mark is. He has seemed to know things about us and where our relationship was heading, even before we did.

Ember pulls me closer to her chest, us lying on my bed right now. "If we want to know what he knows, let's just go ask him."

I sit up, an ache in my chest at the fact that I'm no longer in her arms. I've noticed that I have the need to be by her at all times, never wanting to be away. I've become clingy, and so has Ember.

We walk down the stairs, hand in hand, and reach the living room. Mark is sitting in the middle of the couch, watching the T.V. mindlessly.

Ember sneaks behind him, grabbing his shoulders roughly. "Boo."

He lets out a high pitched scream, sounding more like a girl than anyone I know. Turning around, his eyes narrow on Ember, before looking to me with disbelief. "How dare you let her scare me like that?"

I put my hands up in surrender. "I didn't know she was going to do it."

His eyes dart to Ember, before he huffs, turning back to turn off his show. "I assume you guys want to talk."

Ember grabs my hand once again, pulling me into her lap as she sits down. "Yes we do. How did you know we were going to end up together?"

Mark hums, tapping his chin as if he was thinking about something. "Maybe I'm just an amazing, all knowing being that can tell when people were made for each other." He smirks at our deadpan faces, before sighing. "Fine if you really want to know, I'll tell you."

"Well, we really want to know so hurry up," Ember snaps, which just causes Mark to laugh. They are so used to each other, their attitudes not having much effect on the other.

"It was a day not too long ago... wait. I need to cut the lights and grab a flashlight to make this story better." As he moves to turn the lights off, Ember grabs him by the arm. "Ow! Ow! Stop burning me!"

He looks at me in despair, me just shrugging my shoulders. "I don't control her actions. You're on your own, buddy."

Ember lets go of his arm, saying, "Just tell us the story."

He sighs, not liking the fact he can't at least grab a flashlight. "Fine. It wasn't too long ago when I found a mysterious note written for any member of the Untamed. Being a member, I read the note. It mentioned that people with opposite powers are often soulmates, them being made for one another, to complement each other perfectly."

I connect the dots. "So, when you asked about my power and found out, you knew we had a chance of being soulmates?"

"Yes. And my suspicions were proven true when the sexual tension was raging every time you guys were near each other." Mark smirks at Ember who is just looking at me in shock.

She snaps back to reality, her eyes focusing back on Mark. "So, Neve and I are... soulmates?"

He rolls his eyes dramatically. "Yes. I just said that."

She suddenly grows angry, her face turning red at a rapid pace. "Why didn't you inform me? I'm your boss."

"You may be my boss, but you are also my best friend. I didn't want to ruin your journey by letting you know that you would end up with her. You had to figure it out yourself."

Ember runs a hand over her face. "Mark... you attract too much trouble."

He just smiles and nods erratically. "I know, it's my specialty."

This makes me laugh, easing the tense atmosphere that had accumulated.

My soulmate says, "With that information, my Kitten and I are going to discuss this privately." She stands up, picking me up bridal style, before sprinting up the stairs.

Mark gags at the nickname, making me laugh hysterically in her arms. "Be careful, wouldn't want to accidentally drop you," Ember teases, loosening her hold on me.

This instantly makes me freeze, stopping mid laugh. My actions cause her to laugh, making me roll my eyes.

She sets me on the bed, before climbing on top of me, laying me down. "I'm glad you're my soulmate," she whispers in my ear, her warm breath causing me to shiver.

She pulls away, looking down at me with an unknown emotion in her eyes.

Looking up into her eyes, I say the one thing I know I feel, "I love you, my beautiful soulmate."

A smile graces her face, before she says, "I love you, too, Kitten."

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