Chapter 10

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Neve's POV

I hear a knock on my door, stirring me from my short nap. I mumble a tired, "Come in." I sit up as the door is opened, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Ember sticks her head in, saying, "Dinner is ready."

I nod, exhausted from the long day I've had so far. Too much has happened in such a short amount of time, and I'm not used to so much excitement. My life was pretty routine and scheduled. I always went to the same place to change, to shower, to wash my clothes. Nothing ever changed, yet here I am, staying in someone's house, possibly joining a gang.

Breaking out of my thoughts, I head downstairs to where I smell the food. Ember smiles at me as I walk in, grabbing the attention of the other two people in the room. I recognize the boy as Mark, but there is a girl I've never seen before.

Ember takes this as the chance to formally introduce us. She turns to them, motioning as she says their name, "Mark, Ally, this is Neve. Neve, this is Mark and Ally. They are my best friends and also top members of my gang."

I smile at them and wave awkwardly, not used to being around so many strangers in a more intimate setting than school.

Mark jumps onto Ember's back and ruffles her dark hair, making a mess of the beautiful locks. "Awww. How sweet, you called us your best friends."

Ember just rolls her eyes and pushes him off her, before mumbling, "Whatever." Her cheeks heat up slightly, hard to see with her darker complexion.

"You know you love us," Mark singsongs, chuckling at Ember's sheepish response.

Noticing Ally hasn't said anything, I look at her, only to see she is sizing me up. Looking me up and down, as if inspecting me. "What is she doing here, boss?" Ally asks in a serious voice, all business.

"You know to call me by my name, I reminded you just this morning." Ember gives Ally a stern look before explaining what I'm doing here. "Neve has the ability to create ice and needs help controlling it. She mentioned a possible threat and has promised to help us defeat them."

I'm glad she didn't mention that I was living on the streets, not wanting everyone to know. I shoot her a grateful smile, which returns with a smile of her own.

"Ice powers... that's pretty epic," Mark says excitedly, before continuing on. "Ice... isn't that the opposite of your ability, Em?" Ember just nods, and he looks between us with a knowing gaze, as if having knowledge of something we don't.

Ember notices this, and says, "Spit it out, Mark."

"No, I don't feel like it. You have to figure it out yourselves." Mark laughs at the incredulous look on Ember's face, all the while Ally has remained silent.

Ally seems to have come to a decision about me when she reaches out her hand. I flinch, trying to avoid her touch, not wanting to hurt her on accident. She watches me flinch, and her eyes narrow, before looking down expectantly, waiting for me to shake her outstretched hand. I stumble over my words as I try to explain the situation without sounding rude. "I can't... It would... I think it might-"

I'm cut off by Ember, who says bluntly, "She might freeze you to death if she touches you. Don't take it personally."

Ally just nods, before Mark shakes her hand for me. I giggle at him, and Ally's mouth twitches upwards slightly. Hopefully this means she is accepting that I'm here to stay.

Ember helps us all get a plate of spaghetti, before we sit at the table. I remember my gloves in my back pocket, and put them on so I don't freeze the fork I'm going to use.

Ember sits in front of me, us on opposite sides of the square table, while Ally sits to my right and Mark to my left.

I haven't eaten using utensils in far too long, mainly eating snacks or handheld foods. I pick up the fork slowly, as if it's going to explode just by my touch. I watch as a small amount of frost covers it, but ignore it as I try to dig into my food with shaky hands.

Feeling eyes on me, I look up and meet Ember's. She watches me intently, noticing the frost on the fork. "With my help, you'll be able to control it to where you won't need your gloves anymore."

Looking at her shocked, I can't believe what I'm hearing. "I'll be able to touch people again?" I ask in a hopeful voice, too excited to think about anything else but the possibilities. Maybe I could meet someone, fall in love, hold their hands and kiss them. Maybe I could touch someone other than Ember.

The thought of that makes me frown slightly. I don't know why, but touching someone other than Ember makes a weird feeling develop in my chest. It feels remarkably close to the feeling of disappointment. I don't know why I feel this way, but I've come to appreciate the special bond that Ember and I share. I can only touch her, which means much more to me than it does to her.

A flicker of an indecipherable emotion flashes through Ember's eyes, before she answers, "Yes, you'll be able to touch other people."

I feel a hint of sadness at that revelation, and I can oddly tell that Ember feels it too.

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