Chapter 18

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Neve's POV

The next morning, I'm more confident than ever before. I had requited feelings and could control my powers. What could go wrong?

A lot could go wrong.

Ember walks into my room, her shoulders slouched slightly, her mood dark.

"Are you okay?" I ask immediately, the bond between us humming with some sort of negative emotion.

"No. I'm not okay. One of my best members was just killed to send a message." Ember sits on the bed, plopping down tiredly. "Those bastards found us and killed Mike without a second thought." Her face scrunches up in anger, reddening at an alarming rate.

"Slow down, explain everything that happened," I try to calm her down, but this just riles her up. Standing up abruptly, she starts pacing the room.

"We were out for a morning run, investigating other gangs strongholds, when men and women in black suits jumped us from behind. There was this logo on their uniform that identified them as a part of an organization." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "The only organization that is after us is the Hunters. We were in groups, and Mike didn't make it."

Walking over to her and placing a comforting hand on her arm, I say, "Now, this is a war. They made the first move and now it's our turn. We will get them back and avenge him."

Ember nods before taking me in her arms. I relax in her hold, this entire situation has made me nervous. The Hunters are back and have killed again. Who is to say they won't kill my newfound family? I have to stop them.

I will do anything to put their plans to rest and destroy their organization.

Pulling apart, I ask, "You feel like going to school to distract yourself from this?"

She lets out a bitter laugh. "I have to deal with the aftermath of all of this. I wish I could go to school." Looking me over, she says, "Maybe you need to go to distract yourself. I'll drive."

The ride wasn't as enjoyable as usual, I couldn't get the Hunters off my mind. I've taken down my walls and gotten close to people, and now they are in danger. I can't seem to save anyone from the tragedy that is my life. What did I do to deserve this?

Ember drops me off, waving as she drives away. I walk in the crowd of people for the first time, slightly overwhelmed. I've never been in a crowd before, always avoiding them. But now that I can control my power, there is no need.

I'm making my way to my first class, which I usually have with Ember, when I'm roughly pushed into the lockers. "Hey freak."

My eyes land on a tall guy who has the build of an athlete. Even with my training with Ember, her teaching me how to fight and not rely on my powers, I don't stand a chance against this huge boy.

"What do you want?" I ask, slightly peeved that I was pushed so rudely. Sure, I have no friends, but that doesn't give him permission to assault me.

"I'm here to warn you. Stay away from Ember. She's mine," he spits, too close to my face.

I lightly press against his chest, trying to gain some distance. "She doesn't belong to anyone. And mind your manners, being rude isn't an attractive personality trait." With that, I walk away, wanting to get as far away as possible. My heart hammers in my chest, the intensity of the threatening situation making my powers come to the surface. I feel the power running through my veins as I work to suppress it.

I can't lose control right after I learned it.

It may just be the act of two threats in one day driving me over the edge, but I feel the need to be in Ember's arms, surrounded by her warmth.

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