Chapter 22

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Neve's POV

Taking in the state of this poor girl in front of me, I let her words roll over in my mind.

"Yes, there are many other gifted people like you." Ember finishes getting the zip ties around her ankles broken. "We will explain everything, let's just get out of here."

Ember pulls out her phone, making a group call with Mark and Ally. "We found a girl in one of the containers. Continue the research, just don't wonder where we are."

Ally and Mark both respond, "Copy, Flame."

'Flame' is Ember's codename when she is doing gang related stuff. She can't let her identity be let out.

She hangs up, before helping the girl out of the chair. "Can you walk?"

The girl shakily nods, taking a few steps. "My name is Cece. Thank you for helping me."

I smile at her, wrapping one of her arms around my shoulders to help her walk easier. "Anytime."

We make it back to the hidden SUV's, helping Cece get into the back seat. "While we are waiting on the rest of our members, please tell us what you were doing in there." Ember wastes no time, she gets straight to the point.

"I was kidnapped by an organization called 'Grim' They experimented on me and left me tied up, with a promise that they would get rid of me." She trembles as she speaks, her voice shaking with every word.

Ember and I look to each other, only knowing of one organization who is after people with abilities.

My heart breaks for this girl, only being left to imagine the torment this girl went through. "We are going to put a stop to them, they won't hurt you again," I promise, even more driven to defeat them.

Ember nods, agreeing with my statement. "They have been after us for a while, and we are determined to put an end to them."

Seeing Cece so shaken up reminds me of how I was when the Hunters, otherwise known as Grim, were after me. They left me to wallow in my fear, always having to watch my back. They killed the one person I loved and have been after me ever since. Seeing Mary die in front of me, to protect me, was traumatizing enough, but knowing her killers were still after me was icing on the cake.

Now, we are fighting back, to make sure none of this happens to anyone ever again.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when Ember asks, "Do you know why they were experimenting on you? What they wanted to get out of it?"

Cece nods, her shaking increasing. "They wanted my ability. They wanted to be able to read minds, and they got it. I don't know how, but they were ready to dispose of me, which means they must have succeeded."

"Were there others? Any other people being experimented on?" I ask, wondering what their plan could be.

"Yes, but I didn't know they had powers. I'm guessing they are trying to create the perfect weapon. Someone loyal to them but with abilities." She pauses, thinking it over. "They want to fight us, and win."

"They want to level the playing field," Ember mutters quietly, before hopping in the driver's seat. The rest of the groups are arriving, filing into the cars.

I hop into the passenger's seat, our car fairly empty, just Ally and Mark in the back seat with Cece.

We fill them in, Cece getting much needed rest on the drive home.

The war has grown more complicated, meaning we need to act fast.

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