Chapter 3: Dangers with Love at First Sight

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(Sorry I haven't updated much of my stories in a while. Held up with school, but anyway let's get on with the story.)

Thoughts are in italics.

Sliver: Here you go. This is what you wanted right?

Tamaul: Yeah.

Silver: Here. an apple for your troubles.

Silver tossed him an apple and as he caught it, he took the lady's hand and started walking away.

???: H-Hey- I'm not leaving without my bracelet!

Silver: You mean this bracelet?

Silver showed the same bracelet that the lady thought he had given to the man but as they were walking away, Tamaul reached in his pocket where he thought he had putten the bracelet in but only found an apple and nothing else in his pocket. Realizing that he got tricked he got mad.


Silver and the lady turned around and saw palace guards after them.


Silver and the lady ran for their lives until they reached Silver's hideaway where his sisters are. Once they got there, they noticed that the guards are long gone and that they lost them.

Silver: There. We should be safe here.

???: What is this place?

Silver: It's where we live.

???: "We"? There are more people with you?

Silver: Yup. My sisters. I'll let them know you're here. I'm Silver by the way.

???: I'm... Amy.

The lady was upset that she lied. That wasn't her real name and she just lied to the person who just saved her moments ago. And yet she still had to keep her identity a secret.

Sliver: Amy? From the palace?

The lady stood there in shock.

'Amy': How could you tell?

Silver: Well, only someone from the palace could afford a bracelet like that. And that silk lining is imported, too. It comes from the merchant boats straight to the palace. But not to servants. At least not most servants. Which means you... are a handmaid to the Princess.

'Amy': Impressive.

Silver: Hang tight. I'm going to let my sisters know you're here.

Silver said that as he left towards his hideaway where he left the lady near the entrance.

'Amy': I feel bad that I'm not using my real name but using my friend's name instead. But he can't know that I'm the princess.


A figure in the castle dungeon walks up to the cells, where the figure appears to be holding a staff that looks like a snake. A yellow Mobian snake appears first in the room and looks at what appears to be new prisoners.

???: Here comes the Master.

Then the figure walked into the light and revealed that it was a green snake.

???: You bring me the rough but never a diamond. Take them away.

The snake told the guards that as they took away the prisoners. And that there was a guard that was still there.

Guard: Majazeer, perhaps this diamond in the rough does not exist.

???: He is out there.

Guard: But we've searched for months! I do not understand what could possibly be in that cave that could help a man as great as you. You are already second only to the Sultan.

???: Second! Uh-oh. Who's in trouble now?

The yellow snake mocked as the green snake glared at him.

???: And you think second is enough?

Guard: Of course. You were not born to be sultan.

???: Wow! Not smart.

???: Do you know what I had to do to get the power that I have? The sacrifices that I've made? The bodies that I've buried? The five years spent in a Sherabad jail? People need to understand that they will pay for underestimating me. Second is not enough! And it will never be enough! That's why I need the lamp. And why I no longer need YOU!!

The green snake yelled at the guard as he pushed him into a bottomless pit where all that was heard in the room was his yelling getting quieter and quieter. Along with the chuckling of the yellow snake.

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