Chapter 11: Going Deep within the Cave

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Inside the pit, Silver and Vinnie landed on a big rock that was part of a rock pathway. When they walk deeper into the cave, they started to notice jewels in the pathway to the lamp. Vinnie looked at one of the jewels and was about to grab it but was stopped by Silver.

Silver: Vinnie, don't touch. Remember? 

Vinnie: Oh, right. Sorry.

Silver: Come on.

Silver and Vinnie kept walking into the cave as Silver saw a pretty jeweled necklace hanging on a rock. As if in a trance, Silver couldn't look away from the necklace as he couldn't stop himself from reaching out to grab the necklace. Vinnie noticed this and gently slapped his face to snap him out of it. Once he did, he thanked Vinnie and continued walking along with her into the cave. Then they saw a bigger part of the cave that had a lot more jewels, gems, jewelry, etc. They walked along the path that was going through all the riches, trying their best to not grab one of those gems. Silver then accidentally slipped and fell back into what they thought was a regular old carpet.

Vinnie: You ok, Silv?

Silver: Yeah. Thanks.

Then someone helped Silver up. Or something. When Silver turned around, he and Vinnie were shocked to see the carpet that he was on, moving.

Vinnie: The carpet is alive!

Silver: Whoa! Vinnie! This is a magic carpet!

Vinnie: A magic carpet? Cool!

Silver: These really do exist. *shakes hands with the carpet* Hello, carpet. 

The carpet shakes hands with Vinnie too. Silver and Vinnie noticed that the carpet was stuck under a rock and a hard place. Literally.

Silver: Hmmm. Let's see what we can do about your situation here. 

Silver and Vinnie got to both sides of the rock and lifted it, allowing the carpet to fly out of there and around the room with happiness that it was free. Then it flew around Vinnie and shook hands with her, and did the same for Silver.

Silver: *chuckles* Oh, hey. Don't mention it. 

Vinnie: *reaching for another necklace that was on a rock* Ohhhh...

Silver: *stopping her* Vinnie, keep your hands to yourself. 

Vinnie: *sighs* Fine.

Silver looks up and sees the lamp on top of a giant boulder that looks like a pillar. He then goes towards the boulder and starts to climb it, while the carpet and Vinnie were waiting at the bottom of the boulder. Suddenly, Silver slipped on a gem that was loosely attached to the rock, but Silver managed to keep his grip on the rock and kept climbing. Vinnie sighed in relief that he didn't fall from that height.

Vinnie: You alright up there?

Silver: Yeah! I'm fine!

Vinnie: Why didn't you use your Psychokinesis?

Silver: I would've but for some reason, I can't get my powers to work ever since we walked in here.

Vinnie: Why didn't you say that earlier!? And I'm guessing that it might be the cave that might be the problem! Especially creepy that I feel like I'm drawn to the jewels and can't control myself.

Silver: I figured that the cave might be the problem! Well, I'm almost there anyway! Just hang on!

Vinnie: I feel like I should be saying that to you!

Vinne looked down and saw the same red gem that Silver tripped on, roll in front of her. Vinnie stared at the gem, like she was in some sort of trance, and slowly started to reach out to grab it. While that was happening, Silver made it to the top of the boulder and slowly lifted the lamp in his hands. He paused for a bit, relieved that nothing bad happened but it didn't last for long. Suddenly the cave started to shake and rumble. Silver and Carpet looked back at Vinnie and saw her staring at the red gem as the red reflects from the light, making it seem like her eyes are red. Silver's eyes widened as he knew she couldn't control herself.

Silver: Vinnie! No!

And as the cave started speaking, Vinnie snapped out of it, realized her mistake, and she dropped the gem.

Cave of Wonders: You have touched the forbidden treasure! Now, you will never again see the light of DAY!!!

Then the cave started to be immediately fill up ...with lava.

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