The Office

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Sitting at my desk, I can hear the wall clock ticking, slowly and steadily. The office is pretty much empty, as it usually was at 11 AM on a Tuesday. Usually the busy times were the afternoons, as people got off work then. I rub my temples and push play on a new waiting room music playlist I had made. The speakers start to softly emit the wonderful sounds of Harry Styles' 'Sweet Creature.'

I've been a receptionist for Moore Psychiatric Service for about four and a half years now. I started working here when I first started college. I was going to film school at University of California, Los Angeles, realized how expensive living here was, and quickly scoured the area for a job. Moore Psychiatric was one of the first options I found. They were looking for a part time receptionist, and were offering above minimum wage. Even though having this job made it harder to have a social life with people going to my school, I've made some pretty great friends with the staff here. That's why, when I graduated, I just couldn't leave yet. I get paid pretty well, and now I have a full time job. It's not really what I wanted to end up doing, but for the time being it was okay. 

I see Jenna's head pop out from her office door, "Hey El, can you schedule an appointment for Dean Thomas at 2:00 PM today?" I nodded as she stepped back into her room, ear to her phone. 'Dean Thomas? I've never heard that name in this office before. Why would they call the doctor and not just schedule through the receptionist?' I thought as I punched In the name and time of the appointment into the shared calendar. I push my glasses up and look at the clock perched at the top of my desk. It's a little sunflower with the face of the clock as the center. My little sister Mack gave it to me shortly before I left San Francisco four years ago. I smile and make a mental note to text her later. She's 16, a junior in high school right now. I miss my family a lot, but I haven't been back home since graduation because I can't afford a trip up right now. It get's lonely being here in LA without family around, but I'm managing to stay sane by hanging out with the few friends I have in the area. 

Jenna is by far my closest friend in LA. Her and her husband Julien would always have me over for dinner on Thursday nights after work. Them and their two kids, Lanie and Cameron, are like family to me now. 

I pull out my phone to text Mack when I hear Jenna's footsteps. "Hey, just wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch," she says smiling.

"Yeah, sounds good! Your next appointment isn't until 1:30. Where would you want to go?" I ask.

"How about Kellar's?" I nod and stand up, smoothing my white sweater out and fixing the legs my jeans. Kellar's is our favorite place to go for lunch. It has a lot of vegan and vegetarian options which is great because Jenna is vegan and I try to eat vegetarian most of the time. 

The familiar sound of cars honking and typical street noise met my ears as we stepped out of the building. The office was in the Hollywood Dell. It was a cute spot, 'not too busy, but busy enough' as Jenna likes to say.

"So Miss. Elianna Cho, how are you? Do you have any updates for me?" Jenna asks trying her best to imitate a posh British accent. I roll my eyes at her use of my full name.

"Nope. Same old same old," I sigh. "I wish something exciting was happening, but I feel like the start of my adult life is even more boring than college life."

Jenna gives me a sweeping look before walking a few steps ahead of me. "You know, I wouldn't be mad if you went back to working part time. I know this isn't what you want to do for the rest of your life. Try to get out there. Spice up your life!" she smiles, raising her eyebrows.

"I know. Just one year of this. I need to save up some money before I pursue something in film or photography," grimacing at my words as we walk down the street. 

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