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Izuku Sat in a chair. His 4 year old self was looking at the screen, completely taken by the video on the screen. On the screen is his favourite hero All Might. Izuku was watching the video were All Might showed his first debut by saving a bunch of people from the disaster that was the fight place were he and another villain fought it out.This is the video that Izuku had seen several thousands of time.he memorized every single bit of the video,its his favourite video,its his favourite thing to do,and his inspiration.

Izuku! Come down we have to leave now."it was Izuku's mother Inko (Inko Midoriya; she used to have a powerful telekinesis quirk before the incident; Izuku's father divorce Inko for another women,she became a disaster and tried to end herself. Luckily someone save before it was to late,but as a result of attempting suicide,her powers are heavily weakened.Quirk weak telekinesis.) Izuku is suppose to go to the doctor to check what quirk will he manifest. "I AM HERE." Inko's son shouted as he ran to his mother."Good. Ok sweetie come on let's go." She replied, once they got outside they took the car to go to the doctor. "Mom,I hope I get a cool quirk like kacchan." He said to his mother excitement radiating off of him. She just look at him and smile.

When they came to the doctor, they check in and went were they suppose to go. "Izuku will have a quirk."the doctor said as Izuku is smile even more. "However it will not have your parent's quirks."her mother seem a bit down after the doctor said it, but Izuku really didn't seem to care.Izuku will get a wonderful quirk this world has yet to see.This quirk is completely new, yet to be written down. Mrs.Midoriya you now how we categorize are quirks right? After the doctor said that she quickly answered "yes."  "Izuku you have a friends right? His name is Katsuki the doctor said.he nodded. " well you see your friend's quirk is in the legendary catagory... However your quirk is in the heavenly categories which is a quirk of a god.your quirk is to have the ability of the 7 elements that are lighting,wind,earth,fire,water,lead,light. But not just that you can unlock your second-tier and third-tier element such as lighting become to thunderstorm,wind becomes to cyclone,earth becomes to quake,fire becomes to blaze, water becomes to ice,leaf becomes to thorn, and light becomes to solar. You can also split yourself depending on which element you use ,and not just that but you can also merge to elements to become a new ... well that is all the machine had gathered do you have any questions?" After the doctor had finish giving the description to Izuku's quirk both midoriya family jaw drop of how powerful izuku's quirk, after a while Izuku's mother was the first one to snap out of it,    inko ask the doctor if her son quirk will get to the media and the doctor said no,into sigh relief for not getting his son in danger.

When they finally got home inko cook Izuku his favourite food katsudon for in celebration of his quirk, after Izuku finished his food and he got to bed early for him to practice his quirk, and tell his best friend what quirk he has.

[The next day]

When Izuku finished his morning routine he got down stairs and was greeted by the smell of pancakes,while Izuku was eating into suddenly ask Izuku a question. "Izuku honey please before you tell your quirk to katsuki please test your elemental power to see what elements are activate, and please you cannot tell anyone else except Katsuki ok and please only choose three elements." After Izuku finished eating he was a little upset because he cannot tell all of his power to his best friend classmates except kacchan but he knows that his quirk is to dangerous and if it gets to the media he will be in danger,Izuku pick the three elements of the seven elements earth,lighting,and wind. once Izuku finished answering his mother's question, he ask for his mother to call the bakugou's.

After 10 seconds of waiting mitsuki bakugo or kacchan mother answer, after a long conversation between the adults they agreed to get both of their son's a playdate with each other.Meanwhile Izuku was trying to activate his powers and to his surprise he activated his wind elements... After awhile of Izuku trying to activate his power and to his luck he only succeeded activating three out of the seven elements,those three elements that Izuku activated is earth,wind and lighting.

After Inko told his son to that they are going to the park later that evening Izuku showed his mother his quirk first he show his lighting powers which change the color of his t-shirt and shorts to yellow next he show her his second element wind which change the color of his t-shirt and shorts to darkblue and last but not the least his last element earth which change his t-shirt and shorts to brown once he was done he  t-shirt and shorts changed back to it's original color.Inko was crying because he was happy that his son had a quirk and hug him.

[Timeskip at the park]

When they finally got to the park Izuku immediately sees kacchan they ran to each other and hug.... while the were playing kacchan ask Izuku to show him his quirk.Izuku fist show kacchan his air power then his earth power and lighting power. Once he was finished showing his quirk he explained to kacchan the other powers that are currently lock and other cool things his quirk can do, once Izuku finished explaining his quirk to kacchan became speecless and shocked by how powerful Izuku is, and from that day forward they became more than friend they were like brother's they were always inseparable. Always by their side no matter what.



Izuku Midoriya : The Elemental (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now