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[Day of the entrance exam]

You were walking to the gate's of UA, and suddenly slipped on a small rock.

As you were getting ready for the impact you waited and it never came.You slowly open your eyes which you didn't realize you were holding closed.You suddenly see a girl with brown hair holding you.

After apologizing and exchanging names with the girl.You continue to walk inside the and get ready for the written part of the exam.

After sometime you finished first in the written exam by 9mins.'too easy' you thought to yourself as you were stretching and getting ready for the practical exam.

[Practical Exam]

As present mic said that. You bolted into the fake city.And change into your lighting form, and started destroying the robots by electrifying them.After about 10 minutes of destroying robot you had 340 points. You then change in to you wind form and jump on top of a random building,and after you jump to the building you change back to your normal form and started observing the other participants.

[Observation Room]

"This year looks promising"said the principal to the other staff members.

"Mhm True" said All Might.

"Anyone caught your eye shouta?"

"Yes I'm seeing 2 promising kids this year"said to aizawa.

"Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou"

"Ah yes it the first and second highest participants right?"said present mic to the other teachers.

"Well your right these two are really interesting"said the principal.

"Well then lets make this interesting shall we."added the principal before pressing the red button and release the 0 pointer.

[Back to Izuku]

While you were observing the other students battling the robot, you suddenly felt the ground grumble and heard a giant explosion in the middle of the fake city.

While you were running to the middle of the fake city. You see the participants running to the opposite direction of you.

Once you were At the middle of the fake city. You gasped as you see the 0 pointer robot slowly destroying the fake buildings. You were about to run to the other direction when you suddenly heard a cry for help in the robots direction.
You suddenly see Uraraka stuck under a big pile of rubble that was caused by the aftermath of the explosion.

You had no choice but to split into three different version's of yourself. Once you finished splitting into earth lighting and fire. Lighting quickly carried earth to uraraka while fire was the one busy deadly with the 0 pointer robot.

After lighting carried earth to uraraka fire was left to deal with the gigantic robot.
After earth and lighting free uraraka, fire managed to destroy the 0 pointer robot. lighting carried uraraka back to the other participants and quickly went back to his other elemental siblings and merge back to his original form.

The 0 pointer robot was defeated by you and the other participants were amazed that someone defeated the gigantic robot, after present mic said "times up" . You were walking to uraraka that was sitting down on the ground. While you were talking to uraraka, recovery walk towards you both and started healing uraraka.

After exchanging numbers with uraraka, you met up with bakugou on the way home, and catch up on what the both of you were doing in the past couple of months. After you and bakugou said your goodbyes to each other you continue to walk towards your house.

[Timeskip, 2 weeks later]

You've been waiting for the past couple of days,for the letter and you were slowly doubting yourself about being able to get into your dreams school UA high.

While you were eating you snacks, you suddenly heard you doorbell ring and immediately run to the front of your door.

When you open the front door you see the mail man holding a envelope the has the UA symbol on it and immediately took it and closed the door in front of the mail man.

You ran up to your room passing by your mother And continue running to you room.

You were finally in you room and open the envelope,when you opened the envelope there was a small disk that fell on top of your computer table.

When you press the button of the small device a hologram of All Might was in front, while you were watching All Might exclaimed he was going to be a teacher at UA now, you were very excited that your mentor was going to UA and be a teacher, after All Might explains that theirs not just hero points but also rescue points." Hahaha young midoriya you have not just have 340 hero points but also 60 rescue points in total you have a total of 400 points.

After All Might said you passed you i couldn't hold your tears anymore, and cried after the projection close off.

When you opened the door you mother was crying happy tears for you and hug you because she was happy that her son was finally going to his dream school when he was a little kid.

After bothering the Midoriya's finished crying Izuku's mother cook his son his favourite food.
After you finished your favourite food your mom made for you, you got to the bathroom and started brushing your teeth, after you finished brushing your teeth, you change into your pyjamas and got to bet early because tomorrow is you first day at school.


Hey guys it's me Jade.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting new chapters, its because of one of my family members death😭😭😭

I'm currently putting this book on a small hiatus until the family problem is fix.😭😭😭

This is all for now I'll see you in the next chapter byeeeeeeee..😝😝😝😝😝

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