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[Age 14]

Ever since that day when you got your quirk, you've been training hard, in the process, you've gains a six-pack, lots of muscles, and three new elemental powers that are fire,water and leaf. You accidentally unlocked your fire power when you lost to your favourite game while the water elements was when you were lazy the whole weekend and last but not the least while you were playing hide and seek with kacchan you got lost in the middle of the forest and you were hungry and just to your surprise you transformed into your leaf form and created difference types of fruit.

[At School]

As the teacher walks in to your classroom, he started to inform all us about what you want to be in the future,"all right now since you're all third year's now,its now time for you all to about your future."The teacher spoke in a deep voice, I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now Izuku was writing in his notebook his teacher stop talking for a second and grabs the hangouts and proceed throwing all of them in the the air and saying with a smooth and relaxing i don't care voice."...all of you pretty much want to be a hero right?" Every student except for Izuku and kacchan showing off their quirk after the teacher exclaimed that they are going to enter the hero course. When the teacher finally calmed down the class.

The teacher proceed to say" bakugou, izuku your going to us right? "After the teacher said that the whole looked both to you and kacchan and then they started whispering to each other about like " Hey inst their school acceptance rate is 2%""wow I hope they become great heroes" another kid said but you didn't mind them and proceed to go on with your day.

School was done and you were not going home today with kacchan, you were walking down the bridge were old people used to stay and evil spirits that are roaming around, while you were walking you suddenly heard rustling  and a voice behind you, you turned around and you saw a huge sludge villain coming out of the sewer. "A mid-size human vessel what a perfect meat-shield, huh not bad after all." He then slide himself toward me attempting to capture me in his slime but he can't cause when he was about to capture me, I transformed into my wind element and spattered him all across the bridge,I then house my wind element to capture the villain in a conveniently placed bottle as you were done something or someone else came out of the sewer and it was ...... ALL MIGHT!!!!
This can't be happening the number one hero is in front of me.

After all might sign your book you where walking down the streets when you hear a explosion, once you go to the destination you immediately sees the sludge villain and a civilian. while you were looking at the civilian and noticed it was kacchan your bff, you notice the heroes were doing nothing.One of the heroes said they needed a stronger quirk, you were angry at them not doing anything.

You had enough and ran through the civilian and heroes,when one of the heroes said" kid it's to dangerous let the heroes handle this" when the sludge villain spotted you it became angry and instantly shoot its slime tentacles at you, you had enough you said out loud "izuku triple-split" you created a magical circle with three elements symbols lighting,wind and water. Once you split yourself into three wind instantly used 'air punch' to created a powerful gust of air powerful enough to splatter the sludge villain but not to much so I can't hurt your best friend kacchan , while wind was busy handling the sludge villain water creating two big waves of water to put out the fire on the buildings, once wind finished destroying the sludge villain lighting used 'lighting speed' to catch kacchan just in time before he falls.

After you finished dealing with the villain you merge yourself back to your original form and placed kacchan down. When you turned around you were greeted by the surprised heroes and civilians.while kacchan was being praised, you on the other hand was being scolded by the pro heroes, you had enough and argued back at them hero saying " me I was the one that saved my friend while you hero are just starting there watching me handle the villain, instead of just having to wait for the "perfect quirk" for the job you pro heroes should have at least created a plan or a distraction ...your a pro hero hero the should risk their lives for the good of humanity but no almost all heroes nowadays only care for magnet and fame, o and keep in mind before going to battle for a strategy next time and bye. While Izuku was walking from the surprised hero, unknown to him he has been recorded in the media.

While Izuku was walking home he heard someone shouting his name for his back, he turn around and was greeted by a exhausted kacchan, once kacchan regained his breath he thank you for saving his life.When kacchan was gone you continued walking home when you where stopped by All Might.One all might deflated to small might he showed you his backstory of his broken organs, and told you if you want to have his power and you said yes.he said to got to the beach tomorrow morning to start training for all might's quirk.

After your encounter with all might yo finally reached the front of your home, once you opened the door you were greeted by your crying mother after the crushing hug that your mother gave you quickly eat and quickly change to your sleeping pyjamas for your Tomorrow encounter with All Might.

Thanks for reader this story I'm very much happy for someone to read my first work.
I Hope you have a great day and I will see you in the next chapter bye...💮💮💮😊😊😊😊

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