Moon in the Night

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Roses are red
Violets are blue
I don't own Wings of Fire
And I don't think you do too!

                                                                        Chapter 1: Moon in the Night

Humming a lazy tune, Moonwatcher the Nightwing flew busily from scroll to scroll. Their weren't many old Nightwing scrolls left, but the ones that were she copied on spare parchment and stuffed in her satchel. Turtle worked below her merrily, copying (and maybe tweaking!) a few stories, to make them better. The Seawing had shown her a bit of a story he wrote, and she had loved it, so he took that to heart and offered to change some scrolls.

Across the room, Peril absently burned a patch of grass that was sticking out somewhere in the ruins. She looked her nose down at it, snorted, and then started walking again, leaving a trail of smoke behind her.

"HEY MOON! HIIIIIII TURTLE!" Shouted a familiar ear bursting Kinkajou, who bounded into the room with Qibli and Winter behind her. Kinkajou was a vibrant shade of blue with a eye-ball scorching shade of green and some pinky yellow here or there.

Winter snorted while Qibli clamped his talons over his ears.

The RainWing either didn't notice or didn't care. She jumped up to Moon and embraced into a bone crushing hug, causing Moonwatcher to drop the dusty old scroll she was holding.

"I got it!" Yelled both the Icewing and SandWing at the same time. They dove forward diagonally, both coming closer together until....


Moon giggled. Fortune doesn't favour the bold, I guess. The scroll was unharmed though, luckily, even though her boyfriend and her Chilly friend were a little dizzy.

Peril trotted over to them. "Hello! It's me! In a library! Cool, right? I mean, it's cool for me because whenever I go into the library at Jade Mountain Starflight always smells me and he does this hilarious twitchy thing and I can practically hear him saying 'get out or face my wrath' so I'm like bro seriously and- aaaaaaand I'm rambling." She was twitching her tail here and there, and it accidentally hit Turtle. Nobody really cared though, cause now the animi's scales were hard as diamonds thus invulnerable to fire.

Moon laughed and loop de looped a little before landing next to her friends. "Hey Moon." Said Winter casually.
Qibli managed to twine his tail around her's without stinging her. Winter appeared calm, but Moon noticed he twitched a little. Poor Winter, though Moon, I wish I hadn't had to choose.

Kinkajou absentmindedly brushed her wings against Turtle's for a fraction of a second, causing them both to blush. Moon giggled. Turtle and Kinkajou were perfect for each other.

"How's Sanctuary, Winter?" Turtle asked the Arctic Dragon. Winter immediately brightened and Peril snorted. Winter edged a little away from Peril, still remembering the time she burned him. "It's great! We managed to build some houses really quick with Mightyclaw's help." The young Nightwing had been eager to help the dragons at Jade Mountain in building things, and when he heard they were building a new peace village, he agreed to help. "I also managed to find some dragons from the tribes who want to come! I got 3 Mudwings, all sibs, 1 Skywing, 4 SeaWings, 6 RainWings, 5 Nightwings, 2 SandWings and a few Icewings."

Moon frowned. That was it? She realized she must of spoken aloud when Winter answered, "We want to make the best houses in the best places. The Icewings get houses near a cold lake we found, with SeaWings around it and in it. RainWings and SandWings get the sunniest places we could find, and so forth."

Qibli smiled, "Have you frozen your new acquaintances with your frosty additude, my friend?" Winter scowled but they could tell he was smiling a bit.

"Soooooooo!" Said Kinkajou, lightly. "What ya doin?" Moon brightened and gestured a wing to the racks of scrolls. "Organizing, copying, reading, writing—" Kinkajou giggled and Turtle nodded and blushed. "Only you find scrolls that amazing, Moon." Said Peril. "Weeeeeellll, maybe I just don't like them cause they burn so easily SO I CANT READ THEM! BURN LESS, IDIOT PIECES OF PAPER!" Peril yelled suddenly, causing everyone to jump.

When they got over their surprise, Moon noticed a ancient looking scroll. She picked it up.

Moon carefully unraveled a delicate scroll. She had just noticed it was heavy, so she got curious and opened it. Golden sand suddenly flew everywhere, enveloping everyone in its yellow hue. Moon coughed and sputtered, trying to see through the sand. Finally, the weird dust stopped swirling and disappeared. When Moon looked up, she gasped. She was beside her friends and when they heard her they gasps as well.

The library was full of scrolls, neat and stacked perfectly. The ruins were no longer ruins when they looked around to a enormous marble (A/N : I'm rusty on Legends Darksalker so pretend it's marble even if it isn't. This may happen more cause I'm too lazy to check my facts) room, perfect and clean.

And a dragon, A Nightwing, was flying through them, even though she wasn't here before.

Hey readers! How was this chapter? I hope you liked it. Here's a pic of the JW before the fire in Moon Rising.

 Here's a pic of the JW before the fire in Moon Rising

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Cute, right?

So, I hope you enjoyed this

Ok, see ya!

Until next time, Ultra!

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