Out in the Open World under the Blue Sky - A Rewind on the Current Universe

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It's been millions of years since this red mass of amorphous flesh had not eaten anything at all, not even a small two legged scaled creature. That was before the Earth started boiling after a massive earthquake, in order to survive the pouring molten rocks the gigantic mass of meat and bones had to sacrifice great part of its body and trap themselves left worms behind many layers of mud, sediments and water. After years and years and years in that rocked cage in stasis - first thing its worms were hearing was like something huge was digging their way to that rocky prison, hours passed by and soon it had many moving and flickering lights around its slimy egg-ish shell, many unknown beings were surrounding them worms and suddenly one being's extremity touched its shell. All the remaining worms woke up from their stasis and absorbed a limb, a body, a head. They devoured every single piece of juicy meat in an explosion that became a nightmare for the people around, the creature absorbed energy from lighting devices and in a frenzy of senses devoured every life form around - a couple of half mechanic bodies were laying lifeless on the ground and almost instinctively a single bigger worm move out the amorphous creature and settled in the android brain. All of their neurological system was ecstatic about the human life form and their creativity and memories and emotions, it was incredible - if they wanted to see the blue sky again, the amorphous sack of flesh had to move upwards and they had to be quick, humans intentions were to leave them worms trapped and sealed like they had been so far.

On Cell Creators' part, they had given very clear orders, digging down below and around the world in order to discover more amniotic fluid pool for research purposes to better the health and quality of life of all people around the world. They were using they same personnel for digging and using these titanic machines... it was a well paid, but boring job. In this last digging site they found a couple of huge cyclopean skeletons, but nothing else. The digger who discovered a big amniotic pool with a strange huge embryo-like thing was finally happy something different was in front of him - out of the blue for sheer curiosity, he decided to touch it - then a supernatural force brought him in and his mind fused with many unknown others, his heartbeat ceased pulsing. Meantime the whole digging site started shutting down, from that very lower level to the upper ones, but that thing made out of tentacles looked unstoppable, it had a strong sheer will of its own. Many armed people were sent down below to control that monstrous power and all lost their lives, but in the end they managed to put it down in some kind of stasis, the monster had climbed up many levels. Now the upper levels are well sealed off and nobody can't get in nor out.

Many years passed and the creature - trapped, weak and still vulnerable - was growing curious of the human mind and their society, it was eagerly awaiting their return as their multiple intelligence knew that humans would have a desire to get in touch with them in maybe a forceful way. After all they were using the pools them worms had created as a byproduct.

After much time, Cell Creators Corp. - C.C.C. - sent a team of scouts ahead in that derelict facility to retrieve some biosamples from what cameras (before they stopped working) showed like a round-ish still blob in an amniotic pool. If that thing created a pool like that, Cellular Creators could have the means to recreate the miraculous fluid. They had to grab just a sample and give it to the defence personnel that was behind them in incognito. Some humans life span already got better and even some of their cognitive abilities. As soon as the team of scouts reached the old digging site, the team realized that in this place were discovered various skeletons and the earth was oozing amniotic fluid - only the directive board knew of this, and not many employees had a high level of clearance in Cell Creators Corp. Some jobs were special and had a know-on-the-go way of being tasked. As soon as the team of three and the recording drone reached the level where they had to pick some samples, they felt the embryo in front of them was eager of getting to know them, so one team member used hands instead of a special device to take the sample. The camera in the drone recorded the man killing his two assistants and smashing the drone to pieces. The man was no more and C.C.C. gave orders to the defence team to surround the ex-man, before containing the creature. Cell Creators Corp. were sure where the ex-man would have resurfaced. Meantime C.C.C. had another problem at the helicopter landing site, a black amorphous being appeared from inside the helicopter of the team of scouts. Fortunately the defensive team was already there and they contained it within a special blinded container. But they were puzzled, they weren't expecting something like that in the open.

The ex-man was happily walking upwards towards its freedom, all the worms were eager to reach the surface. The thing knew that they killed three defenseless people, but in its weakness they couldn't risk to lose a chance to get out, knowing what humans were capable of. They saw the starry sky and amid of many unexpected armed humans, they tried to climb back up in the helicopter - suddenly more than a gust of bullets hit the worms scattering its amorphous body all around the ground. Taken by surprise and still weak, they couldn't do anything and witnessed a very coordinated mass of humans gather the various wriggling parts of its body and put them in some kind of jars. The various worms were taken to a high security facility for future studies.

The Corporation were very complacent in having caught two similar amorphous beings, one red and one black - after some weeks of studies on these creatures, Cell Creators Corp. knowledge of the genetic map was over the stars, these beings' neurological system may give the human race a way to brain immortality, and they were already fully able to implant a biologic mind in a mechanical suit. From time to time these beings in jars would move so violently that would scare the scientists gathering information around them. But unless there had been a crack in glass no-one had to get near the things: those were the orders. Nothing can keep for a long time a millennial being, and men are well known for their greediness, so Cell Creators Corp. did their best to ignore what some scientist told them: these creatures have limitless capacities and cannot be contained, and a dialogue must be created. They broke out. The first accident happened in the Anomalous Materials Vault - where what was unreadable and nearly impossible was kept, a high security containment unit exploded shortly after a black mass of worms inside started to swirl in it for hours, afterwards the alien managed to dig its way out into sewers and air vents, from the extra glass layer scientists saw many worms melted on dark grey talons that cut rock like butter. The second accident happened to a second containment unit located in the research ward, the many continuous and fast blows - that the creature inside was dealing - broke the reinforced glass. A smaller red amorphous being was on the loose in the pipes of the facility and the being was retrieving its body parts scattered in other compartments. C.C. Corporation lost both creatures and most of a high security facility in less than a week...

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