The Chain of Events that Followed

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After the neurological union and the two beings became one, the mass of red and black worms moved away from Gocachi city, they moved up north to other big cities like Rontoto and south again. In every big city the slithering creature kept growing and nesting, creating more and more hives in the sewers or deeper below. They fed on rats, snakes, pigeons, various insects and more-often-than-not men - humans were keeping the amorphous creature up-to-date with the human society. Humans had a feeling something of titanic proportions and relentless was lurking beneath their feet and so far the main human meals had been from rich and powerful people, these people knew the most, most of them had an excellent cultural level while others pulled the strings on many things in that society. A society based on traditions, self-respect and progress of the community with the environment. Of course these were not the ethics of those who pulled the strings and should have served and not taken advantage.

Cell Creators became like a phantom corporation, the creature could not get any more information on how to get to their board directors and their many employees knew nothing about it, they only received a handsome paycheck for basic tasks. From time to time Cell Creator Corp. managed to find, get samples and exterminate some hive, but it wasn't really a danger for that great being. In the meantime, their young friend Stil, who was studying genetics, was halfway through his studies and was glad to see the creature who managed to communicate with him using the familiar Wurm body - clear enough that before the meeting the writhing being left their mass in a huge cave they created hundreds of meters below the school in Irfaca. The creature skills - some still untested - had improved a lot as their intelligence did.

In the following years, thanks to the dead samples they got in Gocachi, Cell Creators did incredible steps in medicine and people around the world were in awe that nearly all illnesses had now a cure and people's life span was almost doubled. All thanks to Cell Creator Corp., it was a privilege to work for them. Also, they were giving a lot of money to some just causes, preserving the environment, helping those in need, sending food and medicine to refugees, etc... Some believed that was but a cover, some people find a conspiracy theory even for their sisters and brothers.

Elam Li's genetic achievements were so great that Cell Creator Corp. managed to get the monopoly of all weapons'market. Wars were always waging on the globe, when one finished, another one started, it was a matter of letting leaders do their jobs, using the frustration of one's people by blaming someone else's people... and of course the pretense of reaching a useless dialogue - and of course the problems were created by the leaders themselves - but people didn't need to hear that. The worldwide corporation had been selling different type of serums able to modify drastically the human DNA strains, some could now communicate to each other with electric waves, others could squeeze their body to a pulp a pass in tight pipes, others developed a lucid skin stronger than most alloys, etc... All those who injected such serums were able to take over entire battles, and some of these former men developed side effects like wriggling worms in their throats, black slimy spines on their vertebrae, extra articulations on their four limbs marked by a pulsating red color, etc...

Elam Li continued his job and focused on improving his mind and body, never forgetting about his personal human image. Cell Creators Corporation board directors were happy to have him - much power, influence and money was made and now they even controlled most mafias. The world belonged to them more than ever. They just could not find that elusive amorphous being.

During those peaceful years of travels and discoveries and marvels built by men, the amorphous being decided to take a different approach against Cell Creator Corp. They stayed in the human form as Wurm, created a fake background on their life thanks to the human corruption and some mob not yet working for C.C.C., and soon they were contracted by General Welders - G.W. - a subcontractor for Cell Creator Corp. as a specialist in alloy welding. As a welder specialist, Wurm traveled the the continents and occasionally had the opportunity of working in some Cell Creators facilities, most of them were relatively honest pharmaceutical factories, instead a few were research wards as big as small villages - unfortunately Wurm only had a very basic authorization level, nevertheless in each building the amorphous being went they left small and unable-to-thrive hives in tiny crevices, and so every 30-ish kilometres - as that was the approximate distance they were able to re-spawn their consciousness. Their global neurological net had become impressive and made of a staggering high number of hives spread globally. Their powers were strong enough to take over Cell Creator Corp., but not-yet-that-good to understand how some humans got some of their DNA changed so drastically - as Wurm witnessed in some poor countries. Wurm fed on these worm-men, but didn't get the information needed, only that the country's leaders deserved to be part of their mass of meat and bones. So Wurm continued their quest to understand how humans managed to change so drastically their DNA thanks to their wormy pieces. Until they visited an underwater facility in middle of the Capcifi Ocean to the south. It was a mastodontic building that used geothermal power from the rifts at the bottom of the ocean, it was used as a storage center for many highly infectious substances, much amniotic fluid replica, some mechanical lifeless bodies, some strange guns. Something like ten huge tubes were coming out the boarding docks and pier at the sea level and went up in the sky for another 30 meters. They were the only in-and-out-take for air periodically changed - close to the pier an elevator of 30-ish square meters was the only way up and down. Video-cameras were everywhere. Wurm had been assigned for six months to work on occasional repairs the structure needed and many refused, given the dangers and high mortality rate on the job. After a month Wurm knew where all cameras where, they started oozing worms from the bathrooms and moved all the way around the facility. Used the same worms to slither in the workers' brain while asleep, and before the third month started wurm had the information of where most of the dangerous and experimental sieros and fluids were coming from - someplace in the south pole. The following months passed and Wurm had six months of annual leave given by the General Welders. It had been years since their last visit to Stil, and using their true form the mass of worms used all the nested hives to get to their Stil in an whiff. Stil was now a middle aged man, with family and working on his own as doctor in Irfaca, in the Coast of Bones by the Altactin Ocean. He was taking care of the refugees running to that country for some safety - a long lasting guerrilla with strange men was waging in the region nearby. After a short meeting with his family using Wurm form, the titanical entity of thousands of writhing worms and meat and bones and organs moved to the ocean, submerged and moved all the way to the south pole from the very bottom of the sea, devouring most fish, arthropods, and some other huge creature they hadn't known 'till then. Once at the south pole, the amorphous being rigged the bottom of the shallow sea with hives, and so on until they found a dome, where they nested more hives, but in the ice. The attack to take down Cell Creator Corp. was about to start.

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