chapter 3 rewritten

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I walked into their office after knocking of course, and gave them their food and the left over money and make my way back to my desk. I hear someone clear their throat, I look up and see both men staring at me. oh shit!

Niall's pov

"Yes sir?" I ask unsure of what else to do "aren't you gonna eat something?" Harry asks. "oh uhm I'm not really hungry sir" I look down and when they don't say anything anymore I decide to continue the paperwork.

But sadly is my body not ok with my lie, my stomach growls at the amazing smell of the food in the room. I look up to see if they noticed and they did because their eyes are glued on me, I look down in embarrassment and mentally curse my tummy.

"Niall come here now" I bite my lip to stop my tears from falling down, it's my first day and I already messed up. I stand in front of their desk and wait for them to yell at me. "come to this side please" Harry says while pushing his chair back and mentioning to the space in front of him.

I walk over there on shaking legs, once I'm stood there I feel 2 hands around my waist lifting me off the floor and sitting me down on the desk, I can't help but blush at that. I look at Harry and then at Louis trying to figure out why I'm even here.

Louis leans back in his chair and takes a bite of his food that looks so tasty that it makes my mouth water. Louis smirks when he puts some food on his fork and brings it to my mouth, I look at him to see if he's joking but he gives me a stern look that make me open my mouth. I was right it was absolutely amazing, I almost moan at the taste.

"Do you want a bite of mine as well little one?" I look at him with a shy smile which he takes as a yes. He also brings his fork to my mouth, my eyes widen at the taste. It's just so good!

They both take turns sharing their food with me with the biggest grins on their faces.

"Now go back to work. We need those papers done today." Harry says. I nod and jump off the desk and go to mine and get to work.

At some point Harry had to leave for yet another meeting leaving me with a slightly annoyed Louis.

I have just a few papers to do when Louis walks over to my desk looking angrier then I've ever seen anyone look "are you done yet kid?"

I look up at him nervously "not yet sir". He groans "for fuck sakes! it's not that difficult."

"I'm sorry sir I will try harder I promise" tears threaten to start falling out of my eyes. He rips the papers out of my hands "just forget it hiring you was a mistake. Just go you're worthless". I run out of the building while sobbing, why can't I just be good at anything! I've just worked here for a day and I'm already fired.

It took me 40 minutes to walk home through the streaming rain, I'm just so cold but I just lay down on my mattress and cry myself to sleep.

Harry's pov

I walk back into the office after a boring meeting expecting to be faced with my beautiful husband and a cute boy who's working his may I say amazing ass off.

But I walk in and see an angry Louis and no Niall. "What happened? what did you do?" Louis rolls his eyes "I didn't do anything that idiot just couldn't do his fucking job" He says while pointing at the pile of papers on his desk.

I starts looking through them in shock "uhm lou you have made a mistake" "ohhh and how have "I" made the mistake" he says in a low voice. I hand him some papers "he fixed all the mistakes and even highlighted the important parts Lou that's what he did! And you fucking fired him for that!"

Louis looks through all the papers in shock "he literally did amazing work and what did I do? I yelled at him and called him worthless". That makes me growl he did what? how dares he?!

"We need to go to him" I say while pulling Louis along.

We are standing in front of his apartment door after a very chaotic car ride. I knock on the door but no answer. I just try to open his door cause just in case and it's actually open. We walk into his apartment and I can't help but gasp, this is horrible.

It's really dark, the wallpaper is peeling, there are splinters on the floor, all he has is a small kitchen that looks like it hasn't been used in weeks and an old moldy mattress the ground that he's currently sleeping on.

I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder "Niall please wake up" I shake him lightly "huh" I smile softly "there you go buddy wake up". He opens his eyes and he looks at me and then at Louis before scrambling as far away from me as possible "oh I'm sorry sir, did I do something else wrong?" he says and you can just hear that he's scared.

Louis also crouches down "no Niall you didn't I'm here to say sorry for what I did I looked through the papers and you did some amazing work" He puts his hand on Niall's cheek and Niall leans into it like and eager puppy "will you come back tomorrow?"

Niall smiles weakly and nods "I woul-" he sneezes "I would love to sir" he coughs a little when he sitting up a bit more. "Oh shit did you have to walk home?" I ask and he nods but tells me that it's ok "Sirs I'm really tired could I please sleep?" Louis and I smile at him and once his head hit the mattress he's out.

Louis takes of his jacket and lays it over the tiny boy, "sleep well Niall, can't wait to see you tomorrow"

When louis and I get to the car I finally break "I can't believe how he lives, what happened to him?" Louis rubs my arm "no idea sweetheart I wish we could help him". He gives me a kiss and we drive home.

Little did they know that they already helped him by making him feel cared for. Niall finally slept warm for the first time in a while with a small smile on his face.


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