chapter 9 *rewritten*

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Louis and I both look at Niall who is still in my arms wondering what he will say and when. He looks so flustered yet scared.

"I-Is this a joke?" His soft voice breaks the silence. 

Niall's pov 

I look from Louis up to Harry who still has his arms around me. I can't help but hope that they aren't joking and actually want me but who am I kidding... They are married and besides that who would want me especially when they are as beautiful as they are. 

I hadn't realized that I started crying until a hand comes in contact with my wet cheek making me jump slightly. I look up at the person that's wiping my tears away to see Louis looking down at me with a gentle smile on his face while his eyes lock with mine. 

"Niall sweet boy why are you crying?" I shrug not wanting to tell them to actually like them, Louis' soft smile turns into a frown and his eyes darken a bit "Niall tell me what's wrong". 

I look down again "Well uhm-" Harry gives my shoulder a soft squeeze which I really appreciate "-Uhm I'm kind of hurt that you would joke about that...?" Louis gently lifts my head up making me look him in the eye while he gives me a puzzled look "Who said that we are joking sweet boy?"  I shake my head as best as I can while Louis is still holding it "P-please don't say that!" 

Harry rubs my shoulder "Why would we be joking little love?" He asks in a confused tone. I wiggle myself out their arms and take a few steps back "b-because... Because people like you don't like people like me! You guys are so beautiful and perfect and I'm just little, ugly, broke Niall! You are just joking around because you know you can!" My whole body shakes due to all the overwhelming emotions and the stinging pain in my heart. 

Harry and Louis stay silent for a few minutes with unreadable looks on their face before Harry takes a step forward and opens his mouth "You really think that about yourself?" I shrug "Yeah." 

Harry nods "Niall I want you to listen to my words ok?" I nod slowly and Harry continues "We might not be able to change your mind as of right now but please let us try. We want to show you just how beautiful you are and how you deserve the world, we want to show you our world and hopefully one day we could be your home." Harry walks up to me and grabs one of my hands into his much larger hands. "What I'm trying to say Niall is that we want you, ever since you first walked into our office we just wanted to hold you and call you ours. Will you please go on a date with us and we will show you that we really aren't joking." 

I stare at Harry with big eyes unable to say anything, my eyes travel to Louis who is standing just behind Harry with an unsure look on his face "L-Louis?" He gives me a smile "Yes sweet boy?" The nickname once again makes my heart skip "You w-want that too?" 

Louis nods "More then anything sweet boy, I would sell my most beloved item to be with you!" I giggle "And what would that be?" Louis starts smiling like a crazy person and looks at Harry "Sorry babe looks like I have to sell you!" 

I giggle even louder as I notice the pout on Harry's face which makes both Louis and Harry look at me with fond looks. "So what do you say little love? Do you wanna go on a date with me and that weirdo?" Louis smacks Harry's shoulder but then gives me his best puppy eyes which makes him look cute even though he's really scary most of the time. 

"Yes I will go on a date! But I have one condition." "And what is that condition sweet boy?" I give Louis my best stern look "No expensive stuff!" Louis and Harry's eyes widen and they give each other a long look before nodding "Ok no expensive stuff little one." I smile and then daringly pull my hand out of Harry's before wrapping my arms around his chest I can feel Harry chuckle before wrapping his arms around me as well and pressing a soft kiss on the top of my head "We will show you the world little love." I smile at his words hoping that he will keep that promise. 

"Oi I want a cuddle as well!" Louis huffs out, I can't help but roll my eyes and wiggle out of Harry's arms. I turn to Louis and stand on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around his neck, Louis lays his hands on my bum right away making me let out a squeak. 

"Hold on sweet boy." I'm about to ask what he means as he lift me up, I wrap my legs around his waist while holding on to him tightly. "Louis? W-what but my down! I'm too heavy!" Louis rolls his eyes "You are too light sweet boy and I like having you in my arms like this. You better get used to it though because this will happen a lot!" I look at Harry for help but he's too busy stuffing his face with food while looking at his phone. 

Louis sits down in a chair as well with me still clinging to him as a koala. He refused to let me go and insisted on feeding me once breakfast was finished he finally let me go and I hate to admit that I was actually quite sad to not be in his arms anymore. 

We are in the car on the way to the office and I can't help the worried looks Harry and Louis are giving each other. 

Louis parks the car and looks at me through the rearview mirror "Niall sweet boy... No one at the office can know ok? It would ruin our reputation." I can feel my heart break at his words and want to cry but I just put a small smile on my face. 

"Yeah ok I get it, I won't ruin your reputation... don't worry." 



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