Chapter 1: Exile

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He still couldn't believe what had happened. H-he had only been trying to prevent a needless war that would have surely caused so much suffering to both ThunderClan and WindClan alike. But Bluestar, it was clear now more then ever had been driven mad by Tigerstar's betrayal and treachery. The ginger pelted tom looked up at the sky as he sat in the glade of the four massive oaks. Eyes like fiery green emeralds as he recalled the events of what had just happened...

"B-But Bluestar I was only-"pleaded the ginger tom.

The russian blue mix snarled and turned on a dime, actually slashing her deputy with claws meeting his eyes. The action had frightened the tom cat, ears pressed to his skull as he backed up against the wall with tail swaying nervously.

"ENOUGH! I will hear no more. You went and disobeyed my orders, broke the code and went behind my back! Y-You're no better then they are, I thought I could trust you Fireheart!"snapped Bluestar, blue irises gleaming with madness and fury.

"Bluestar please just listen-"he pleaded once more.

"SILENCE! From this day forward you are no longer my deputy and you are banished from this clan!"snapped the she-cat with fangs bared.

Fireheart's tail drooped with a sea of emotions on his face as he turned to leave, "As you wish, Bluestar..."

Fireheart's fluffy ginger tail then vanished as he left the den...

Fireheart was shaken from his thoughts as a pale ginger she-cat nuzzled him, earning a purr from the tom. Thankfully he was not alone; some had been angry and didn't approve of Bluestar's verdict and had left with him. Sandstorm had joined him. Sandstorm had been amazed and thankful she had come. Longtail had surprised him by siding with him, saying he couldn't follow a leader that didn't trust her own clan.

"What do we do now?"asked Sandstorm, twining her tail with her mate's.

Fireheart wasn't sure himself as his paw gently touched his now swollen eye. Wincing from the pain of the gesture. Bluestar had left her mark and seeing from his injured eyes was hard. W-was he going blind? If he was how was he gonna fend for himself let alone hunt? His ears and tail sagged at these thought. He felt hurt, angry even and the only comfort he had left was Sandstorm and the sweet scent of dew that came from her sent. It was then a thought came to mind.

"Away, far away from here..."he muttered.

Sandstorm was surprised but her look softened as she looked at her love and licked him on the cheek. "Do you want to go see your sister? i-it wouldn't be right to just leave her without saying goodbye."she asked in a soothing tone, earning a nod from the injured tom. "Come on then."

With care she gently lead Fireheart away from Four Trees and stayed on the border along the river. Sandstorm was trying hard to stay calm and smoother her temper that was threatening to bare it's fangs. But her anger wasn't for Fireheart it was at Bluestar and ThunderClan. That monster had hurt him when Fireheart had been doing nothing but put the clan above all else even if it meant breaking the code. But the pain and despair on the tom's now bloody and wounded face left her scared for him. Cinderpelt had wanted to treat him but had been denied in the leader's madness. "ThunderClan is not the clan I knew...n-not anymore."she thought as they reached the fence line.

"Fireheart, we're here. This is her garden right?"she meowed, letting the unfamiliar word rolling from her tongue.

Fireheart sniffed the air and sure enough she smelled the scent of Princess's strawberry fur shampoo her twolegs used on her once every moon. His sight was still a bit out of focus but he think he could make the jump. So with a wiggle and crouch he sprung up with ease and managed to scramble up the fence, leaving claw marks in the wood before jumping down to land on the soft grass.

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