Chapter 15: To The Future

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Today was the day.

Everyone could feel the tension in the air that was thick enough to slice with a claw. FireClan and BloodClan were walking side by side, shadows sleeking into the frigid night. Firestar's ear twitched as he listened to Tigerstar talking to WindClan and ThunderClan. Both clans had spent the majority of the day planning and training. Firestar though couldn't help but smirk as he purred, recalling the night before when Tigerstar's own kits had rejected their father's offer to leave FireClan and join TigerClan. Firestar was proud of Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw. Firestar's keen ears could hear Tallstar and was that Brackenclaw? Did that mean Brackenclaw was now leader of ThunderClan?

"That's our cue, you ready?"hissed Scourge softly.

"Nervous, but yes I am."chirled Firestar.

The two clans then entered the clearing of Four Trees like a swarm of guarder snakes leaving their winter dens after leafbare. The two clans gasped at the sight, some spitting insults at seeing the collars BloodClan wore. Some though noticed and knew instantly recognized Firestar along with others with him, lost for words on what to say.

"This is BloodClan and FireClan."Tigerstar mewed.

"Fireheart why would you side with that murderer?"hissed Brackenstar, locking his gaze on the flame colored tom.

Firestar's simply flicked his ears, "I side with who I choose."

"I'd watch your tongue kit, this is Firestar of FireClan."snapped Foxtuft.

"You of all cats know the crimes Tigerstar has committed!"Scourge looked over at the brown tabby ThunderClan leader with quiet, stoic interest. Brackenstar went on to list every single crime the traitor had done: Redtail's murder, conspired with Brokentail, attempted murder of Bluestar, murder of Runningwind, murder of Brindleface-To Cloudtail's horror-to attract the dogs, murder of Mistyfoot's foster mother, and the death of Gorsepaw. The FireClan cats had left the forest long before the dog attacks so they were stunned, furry raging in their veins. They wanted to act, they wanted blood but cause of the plan they were forced to wait.

"Whatever he promised you both, Firestar don't believe him! He won't give up one pawprint of this forest."spat Brackenstar.

"I had no idea of the attacks that happened after we left and my condolences do go out to both your clans."he mewed calmly.

It was Scourge that spoke next, "Tigerstar had told me what he had planned to do with the dogs when he visited me two moons ago."Frigid eyes of ice glance over at the tabby leader beside him, "He did not tell me his plan had failed."

"Hm, none of that matters now. We have an agreement with you both, Scourge and your brother. Fight beside me now and you'll both have all that I offered you."mewed Tigerstar, unsheathing his claws in anticipation.

Firestar and Scourge locked eyes with each other, claws raking into the snow under their paws in silent agreement though one of them could not see the other...they just knew.

"My clan and I will fight when we choose,"meowed Scourge.

"My clan follows my orders, Tigerstar. I agree with my kin, we shall think about what has been brought to light tonight. My clan will not fight."mewed Firestar.

"Agreed, there will be no battle today."mewed Scourge as both brothers prepared to turn and leave.

"TRAITORS!"yowled Tigerstar as he left at both brothers.

Like vicious flash of lightning both older and younger half-brothers easily dodged the attempted attack from Tigerstar. Scourge went in and slashed Tigerstar's shoulder on the left while Firestar went in and slashed the right flank to knock the tom off balance before coming to stand side by side with Scourge. Earning gasps from the spectators; they had not expected a blind cat to be able to fight the way Firestar was now as he moved in perfect sync with the BloodClan leader. Tigerstar's rage turned into horror and for once...true fear as he looked at the two brothers each raise a reinforced paw before swiping a deadly blow from neck to tail that ripped him open before the others' eyes as he landed with a sickening thud. Blood pooled out and soaked the ground and stained the two leaders' paws.

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