Chapter 5: Siren

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Under the light of dusk three cats roamed through the streets. A petite black tom with a toothed collar, a scarred ginger tom, and a cinnamon and white tabby she-cat. These were Scourge, Fireheart, and Princess. Scourge calmly lead his little brother and sister down a more older but also more nicer looking part of the twolegplace. A rich canopy of maple trees flanked and shadowed the small thunderpath along the sidewalks. Monsters were parked by these smaller dens, no sound coming from them at all. The twoleg dens themselves were older but classy and looked rather cozy for the countless twoleg families as the sounds of their kits at play reached the blind tom's ears.

Scourge had wanted them to meet somebody.

Fireheart couldn't fathom who it was as they lead them on and into a yard and from the scent seemed to be a huge apple tree. The sound of a muffled "thathump" as the ripened fruit landed on the ground. It had a sort of bitter sweet scent to it, but it wasn't completely unpleasant.

"Wait there."chirped Scourge.

Princess watched her newly found older brother she and Fireheart had gotten to know with ease jump onto the window's flower planter and unsheathed a set of reinforced claws and started tapping the glass. It didn't take long for her to see a figure of a rather unique looking cat appear in the view of the window. She watched scourge motion for this cat to come outside. It took some time but soon the cat came into the yard through a electric cat door, her belly was showing a little...was she pregnant? She was beyond gorgeous with her elegant body with short fur as white as a pearl. But it was her eyes that amazed Princess; they were two different colors and gleamed like precious jewels! One eye was blue as ice just like Scourge while the other was a reddish copper. She was surprised to see the blue eye was sightless, frosted over from blindness just like her brother.

"Ah you must my darling's little brother and sister."purred the kittypet in greeting.

"Yes, i'm Fireheart and this is Princess."introduced Fireheart with a smile.

Scourge soon came over to flank the snow white queen, nuzzling her fondly and looking almost maybe even protectively possessive of her maybe? Princess couldn't tell. But the fire of passion in Scourge's normally cold gaze had a softness she never thought possible.

"This is who i wanted you two to meet. This is mate."chirped Scourge.

Truth be told as he stood there by his mate, his face went noticeably sour with thoughts of worry and concern. He still remembered last night the look th-that MONSTER from an enemy rogue group had given to his beloved mate whom was also one of Scourge's top generals. It was a look that made him come so close to loosing it then and there and shredding the MetalClan leader to bits where he stood. No he had to be patient and clever, yes had to wait as it was not time.

"Fireheart, Princess, I am not one to make requests but I am making an exception this one time."meowed Scourge.

"Of course, we're kin."mewed Princess.

"If I can help I will, Scourge so I'm all ears."Fireheart calmly sat down as his tail wrapped around his paws.

Scourge nodded before looking over at his mate in a silent exchange, Siren giving a soft purr before giving the petite tom a reassuring lick between the eyes. Mumuring sweet words only the BloodClan leader could understand. Scourge then locked his eyes onto his half siblings with a serious look.

"Take Siren with you, and run. She is not safe here and she carries my kits. Once I deal with some...matters I'll come for her. Until then take her as part of your own."Scourge's expression was cold and stoic but his eyes and tone were that of somebody scared and desperate.

Fireheart closed his eyes in thought for a moment. A queen, in her second trimester of pregnancy would be a valuable addition to the clan he was hoping to start once out of twolegplace. She was stable enough to travel and being one of his brother's generals meant she was a strong and able fighter. He had told his brother of his plans and his own mate, sister, and friend knew of Fireheart's desire to form a clan all his own. If Scourge was asking him of all cats to take Siren and flee there must have been a good reason. Slowly he opened his eyes to reveal a spark blaze in their depths.

"Alright, we'll leave tonight with Siren under the cover of dark. You must have your reasons, but I won't ask what they are. We'll keep her safe, after wasn't you who said blood bonds us all?"chirped Fireheart, touching his nose to Scourge's.

Scourge let out a breath he was not aware he had been holding as he let out a rumbling purr. He was delighted his brother had remembered his clan's motto. "Yes, blood bonds us all."

Siren though despite her fears trusted Scourge as she sadly nuzzled her mate, clearly on the verge of tears. But she knew it was for her's and the sake of BloodClan's legacy she would run. Run and live and wait for him to come get her. "I'll wait for you for eternity if I have to my love."she purred softly.

"i know you will Siren. Serve my little brother well until i send for you."murmured Scourge sadly.

With those final words Siren left with Fireheart and Princess for the park all while the small black pelted leader watched with a sort of melancholy look on his face. Now, now he had to just hope they escaped the gazes of his foe's attention in time.

He didn't know how but some how Fireheart, Longtail, Sandstorm, Princess, and Siren had made it out of twolegplace in one piece. Sandstorm and Siren had hit it off without a hitch as they were now chatting as they walked along an old stone bridge that had these weird metal and wood paths on them. Siren had called it a Rumblepath; it was kind of like a thunderpath but this truly massive monster was the only thing that ran on it that spewed smoke and made a StarClan horrible sound.

"You sure of this Siren?"meowed Sandstorm in uncertainty.

"Of course darling, there is a ranch up ahead where we can spend the night and beyond that is forest and rolling hills by a creek. it should serve what you guys are looking for."soothed the snow white queen.

"You better be right, my paws are killing me! I want to feel grass under my paws again."huffed Longtail, earn a chuckle from Princess.

"You're as crabby as a badger right now Longtail, I would think you'd be glad we were out of twolegplace now."teased Fireheart, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

"Yeah well, I've never been beyond the forest I knew."sighed the pale tabby.

"Have some patience, we'll be there before you know it."pointed out Sandstorm as they left the rumblepath behind them.

Fireheart purred as he followed after. It was slow but he could see-not literally-that his clan was starting to take shape. He would make a code they would follow. Some laws he knew he wanted to stay the same while others he wanted to change for the better. It would take time, but he knew with full confidence now...

The sparks had been ignited.

To Be Continued...

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