Chapter 9: The Ghost In The Mist

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It was a rather dreary night actually it had been for the last few days as rain storms had plagued the area. Scourge shook his pelt from under his den by the dumpster, shaking the water from his fur. He looked and felt like a drowned rat for goodness sake and it was making his already short temper even shorter as he quickly did his best to dry himself off. It had been a moon since MetalClan's fall and twolegplace was now completely his. As he lay there curled up tight in his nest of old rags and pillow stuffing he let his thoughts wonder sleepily and lazily.

He thought about Siren was she alright? Did their kits make it ok? He thought about his younger half brother and sister as well. Surely they were doing fine where ever they were right? Eh, of course they were! They were HIS kin, not weak sniveling idiots like Ruby and Socks were. No they were strong like he was. He was on the verge of falling asleep when Bone poked his head into his den.

"What now Ice? I thought I said I was not to be bothered!"he grumbled with a annoyed flick of his tail.

"I-I know Scourge, sir but um Boulder's here and he has a forest cat with him."she mewed quickly.

This instantly got his attention. Why was that coward back here and brought a stranger no less! Last he had heard to wimp had left BloodClan for the forest, wanting the easy life as the little whelp had put it. With a hiss he sleeked back out and climbed up on top of the dumpster, a stoic look on his face as his cold gaze gleamed in the rainy autumn night. His ears were erect and alert as he looked towards the end of the alley way where Bone had stopped Boulder and that's went his blood ran cold.

T-That monster!

It was THAT monster from when he was younger that was with Boulder! He gave a sneer as his claws sheathed and unsheathed. Oh this was just too perfect, the fates were clearly smiling down on him tonight. Those of his elite guard and generals that were close enough were the only ones the felt the blood lust and saw the look in their leader's eyes that sent chills up their spine. For some the look made some cats smirk, chuckle, and sneer with anticipation of the possibility of blood being spilled tonight. But no, Scourge wanted to wait and see if the brute with Boulder knew who he was. He would judge from there.

He watched in silence as his face returned to being emotionless and cold as the icy pools the gleamed in the night. Bone at first looked like he was gonna attack; His closest friend had been like that for as long as he knew the massive tom; act first questions later. Scourge's ear flicked in interest when he watched from the shadows on his perch as Boulder seemed to say something that made Bone hesitate and let them through. Now that was rare, now he was really interested as the two cats came over towards him. By now Scourge was sitting in the shadows of open door way of the abandoned twoleg den. He couldn't stand sitting in the rain anymore anyways and it was much drier here. He locked his gaze at seeing the broad shouldered brown tabby tom with the scar over his muzzle as Boulder motioned towards him.

"There's Scourge."mewed Boulder.

The forest cat Scourge could see was bewildered and maybe what was that in tone? He seemed to be in disbelief. "That's Scourge!? He's no bigger then an apprentice!"hissed the tabby. It took every ounce of willpower he could muster for the petite tom to keep his emotions in check. His height had always been a bit of a touchy subject, no thanks to his buzzard brained littermates' bullying and teasing. BloodClan knew better then to mention anything about his size if they valued their lives.

"Shh! Careful Tigerstar this might not be a clan as we know it but these cats won't hesitate to kill if their leader ordered them to."hissed Boulder swiftly.

Scourge lashed his tail as he locked his soul piercing eyes onto them, "It seems I have visitors. I wasn't expecting to see you here again Boulder, I had been told you had gone to live in the forest."

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