Chapter 4: Blood Bonds Us All

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It was evening by the time the sleek, petite shadow had arrived at the water fountain in the park. Eyes of ice glowing as they reflexed the moonlight in the dark of the night. His tail twitched out of excitement but also uncertianty as he heard the rhymthic breaths of slumbering cats. Slowly he stalked over silently and poked his head under the rose bush and spotted the cat he was looking for and went in. Slowly he went over to the slumbering ginger tom and started to prod him with his paw, earning some grumbling sleep chatters.

"Wake up."mewed Scourge.

Fireheart moaned as he with tired sightless green eyes yawned and stretched his limbs. It took him a moment but he instantly caught the BloodClan leader's familar scent. Causing the tom to lock his gaze onto the petite tom.

"Scourge...what are you doing here at this hour?"he yawned.

"Come with me, Fireheart. I'd like to talk."mewed Scourge as he turned to leave.

Fireheart simply blinked in confusion but quietly he got up and with care as to not wake his mate, sister, and friend sleeked out from under the bush. Letting his other senses be his guide as he followed Scourge to another park of the park. From the scent it seemed to be a large pond maybe? He could smell the musky water and the reeds and hear shockingly, frogs singing. If it weren't for a coming far off siren in the direction of the thunderpath he would have thought he was back in the forest as he took a seat by the shorter tom.

"Why did you wanted to see me?"the ginger tom finally asked.

"i needed to confirm something...something only you can answer."meowed Scourge smoothly.

"i'm listening, if I can give you answer I will."chirped Fireheart, one of his ears swerved towards Scourge.

"I-If your father by chance a ginger tom by the name of Jake...?"Scourge sounded oddly nervous and maybe even hopeful? It was a tone the tom was shocked to hear.

Fireheart's expression he gave next was one of surprise and it was all the confirmation he needed. "Y-you knew my father?"

Scourge's turn to be surprised when he heard the younger tom's words at infact now giving a onfirmation now completely set in stone. For the first time in al ong time the black tom broke into laughter.

"Knew him? He was MY father as well Fireheart!"laughed Scourged.

Fireheart's eyes lit up with astonishment but also amazement and...was that delight Scourge saw in those fiery green emerald depths? He'd never seen a cat so excited. Not since his own generals had taken control of this entire twolegplace. Heck, Scourge would be lying if he said he wasn't excited himself.

"Guess that makes you my little brother."purred Scourge as he found himself make a move to playfully cuff the ginger tom over the ears.

Fireheart though was actually faster to dodge it then Scourge had expected. Scourge had at least one blind cat in his clan's care, patrially blind but she was a queen expecting his own kits.

"You have the reflexes of a fighter, good very good. I'd expect nothing less from my own kin."chirped Scourge.

Despite the praise Fireheart deflated and looked angry and was that defeat the leader saw on the scarred tom's face? Now Scourge was NOT gonna let that stay. Not on his newly discovered little brother.

"Fireheart what's with that look on your face? That is not a look my kin should have."chirped Scourge.

"I can't fight, not anymore..."sighed Fireheart as dug his claws into the damp earth.

What Scourge said next surprised the exiled ThunderClan warrior.

"Dogshit you can't! You got four good legs, sharp fangs, four good sets of claws, and better reflexes then some of my cats!"hissed Scourge, his tail lashing wildly.

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