Chapter 3: Where Silverpelt Doesn't Shine

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It was dusk by the time the pale tabby had spotted the familiar ginger cats but also a cinnamon tabby he did not know. He um, had to admit she was actually...beautiful. He gave his head a shake; no none of that now. They had to get out of here and fast. "What took you guys so long and who the heck is she?"hissed Longtail.

"Sorry, Fireheart really needed medical attention Longtail, so we stayed in WindClan the last while."informed the pale ginger she-cat, Fireheart close beside her.

"You must be Longtail. My name is Princess, I'm Fireheart's littermate."mewed the cinnamon tabby with a polite bow of her head.

"Enough chatting, lets go before ThunderClan patrol spots us here."chirped Fireheart with a lash of his tail.

Longtail gave a curt nod as the small group sleeked into twolegplace. Honestly all of them were nervous, for various reasons. For Fireheart and Princess it was from stories from their kithood of the terrors and hardships of twolegplace held. For Longtail and Sandstorm it was cause it was overwhelmed by the smells and number of twolegs and their monsters and weird things the place held. Not to mention the sensory overload. But what unnerved the former ThunderClan cats the most...they could see silverpelt or the guiding warrior through all the fumes and smog!

The small group were jumpier then fish in a pond to be sure. but as they progressed they were now certain they were being watched, and not by the crows or rats. Fireheart just couldn't shake the feeling as his whiskers quivered and his ears swerved about. His remaining senses he had discovered were now twice as strong.

"We're being watched."hissed Fireheart, "Have been since we entered this place."

"Wh-what?"squeaked Princess as she out of habit went to hide behind her brother and Sandstorm.

Longtail perked his ears, his maw agape as he scented the air, "It's hard to detect through the stench of this place but brat's right. Let's pick up the pace."

"Sooner we're out of here the better!"agreed Sandstorm.

"Stay on guard."mewed Fireheart as they broke into a trot.

The group picked up the pace as they tried their best to be mindful of the various thunderpaths they came across. but from the shadows feline shapes were most certainly following them as their eyes glowed in the darkness. Cries of, "Get them!" and "Don't let them escape!" reached Fireheart's more sensitive ears. But before long they found themselves in a dead end and trapped like rats as the two she-cats and tom jumped in front to protect the ginger tom from the scruffy rogues with spiked collars. Fireheart couldn't see them but he could hear them, smell them.

"Why are you chasing us?"spat Fireheart.

"All trespassers are to be brought before Scourge, those are the laws of BloodClan!"growled a calico with a purple studded collar.

"And if we refuse?"hissed Longtail.

"Then you die whee you stand."laughed a huge maine coon tom with black and white fur and a collar with dog teeth in it. He was clearly the patrol leader from the voice and attitude Fireheart could pick up by his voice.

"Like the dark forest you will!"snapped Sandstorm.

Fireheart remained oddly calm despite the fact it looked like a fight was more then certain to break out. But despite his world of darkness he could tell they were very much out numbered. His ear twitched. "Cats above us," he sniffed the air as he thought, "Cats in front of us." he frowned at the thought. Yes defiantly suicidal if they refused. What he did next shocked his comrades as he pushed through them and walked towards the largest tom in the group.

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