Chapter Three : The Host Club Gets Ready!

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(Haruhi's pov) (since she's the only legally sane one...)

I sat down on one the host club's love seats and frowned.

I can't believe Tamaki is putting us in this stupid cosplay, for the who-knows-how-many-times time.

Today we're all dressed as cat people.

This is just too embrassing...

But I'm the one who accepted the host club into my heart and any conditions it might have.

Even if the original reason I became a part of this club is to pay off that huge debt I owed.

I took a sip of the so called "commoners coffee" as senpai calls it and tried to smile.

But in this get up, I just found it impossible.

Kyoya walked into the room with his laptop suddenly and slammed it down on one of the host club's tables.

That's unusual.

Kyoya rarely loses his cool.

I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kyoya is something wrong? " I asked.

He regained his composure and pushed up his glasses.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking Haruhi." he said and took a seat and opened his laptop slowly.

I noticed everyone else begin to gather around.

"What's wrong with Kyoya? He seems a bit more stressed than usual. " the twin brothers said at the same time.

Kyoya clicked on a tab at the bottom of the screen and showed us a news article.

I read it aloud.

"Ouran academy to be chosen place of the first annual national glee club competition. Clubs from prestigious schools all over the world will be visiting Japan for this amazing first time event. Most interesting is the school that America chose to represent them, the special private juvenile detention center, Miss Lilacs School For Girls. This glee club also has been released as the group with the fewest members totaling at a extremely small number of seven.

Will the event still be able to go off, even with these hooligans attending it? " I finished.

That's strange.

Out of all the schools in America to choose they picked a school for criminals?

"I've been doing my research on this certain group. All of their criminal records have never been released to the public, probably because they all come from high ranking families. Some of these records though, I find completely scandalous. Take Miss Sara Walker from this group for example. Was arrested for shoplifting, disturbing the peace, arson, and attacking nearly five police officers. But never once was she convicted of any of the charges. She was just placed in a different school with less privileges. "

"Isn't that a little unfair? " I added.

"Highly. " Kyoya said, "But not impossible. I have reason to expect that this club will not only be a threat to ouran academy but also to our host club. "

"What! " everyone shouted.

"What do you mean, Kyoya-kun?" honey asked with tears in his eyes.

"If they go by their records, and they most likely will, they not only will damage our school's reputation but will probably also cause legal action against the school which afflicts us in return. " Kyoya said.

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