Me explaining why I don't usually get offended

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Okay so a large majority of the people I know would be really upset if somebody said this so them: "You're a fat slutty bitch. You should never have been put on this planet and you deserve to die. Nobody likes you. You are a useless, ugly, horrible person." If you take down what they are saying, though, I don't really find much of it all that insulting. Fat - used to describe how much space one takes up. Slut is defined as one who has many casual sexual partners. Okay? And...? Like there's not an insult in that. And people use it to describe how one dresses, although dressing doesn't affect one's personality whatsoever and doesn't define how many sexual partners they have. And doesn't bitch mean female dog? I have heard people jokingly call people animals, meaning that they're funny and act without restraint. And everybody I know loves dogs. As for being put on the planet, that makes it sound like all people are space rocks that one day get plucked out of outer space and put on to earth. And deserving to die? Of course! But that happens to everybody eventually. The person never specified that they should immediately cease to live. "Nobody likes you." First of all, I don't think that would matter much. Second of all, one could prove that wrong right then and there by saying, "I do," even if it was untrue. And I haven't heard of a single person who is liked by nobody. And nobody is useless. Merely /breathing/ provides carbon dioxide for plants. And ugly describes one's appearance. Honestly there are worse insults. "Horrible" isn't a great insult either because it's vague and impersonal. And then there's the matter of what person told them that. A lot of people I know would be very upset even if a complete stranger told them that while they were just shopping at a grocery store or something. But??? They don't know anything about you??? If a complete stranger tells a person that, the worst thing would be them being an extremely hateful person who tells strangers that aren't pleasing to their eye that they feel that way and going out of their way to add random extra insults that they don't know. And if it was somebody with an established hatred for them that goes the same way around? Okay then they're obviously just trying to be mean and it doesn't mean anything whatsoever because it is blind hatred. If a friend you are arguing with tells you this, they probably are just really pissed and just spat whatever insults they could think of. If a friend told you that out of the blue, they most likely don't mean it at all or it isn't them.

Okay so if you want to please explain what goes through your mind when somebody insults you or if people don't insult you or anything really or what you think about this
Oh and also that's why you can hate on this or give constructive criticism or whatever or praise

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