Chapter 3

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The sun cast a vague shadow onto the wall, that was one of the advantages of living on Mon Piton mountain.We were on the dark side of the moon, but yet high enough up on the edge of the mountain, that we could catch a glimpse of the sun's light. Watching the soft ray of sunlight was very serene. Its still early and all I want to do is go back to sleep,but. I can't, I have more important things to do like meeting Josiah and Morpheus. I must hurry, I have to be at gate 7 in 20 minutes. "Good morning Gemini.", Morpheus said. "Good morning", Morpheus I replied. "Hey sis, you look a little tired." said Josiah. "Yeah, I think I could use a little more shut-eye, but we have more important things to do I said. Are you ready to go examine the glowing object?" I asked Josiah. "Defintely." said Josiah. We made our way out of the Guardian onto the surface of the moon. As we approached The Sea of Tranquility, I motioned Josiah to look to our right. "There,see it Josiah?" I asked him. "Morpheus, I need the long tongs." said Josiah. "This is fascinating Gemini! This rock formation must be millions of years old. The foggy green light surrounding the object is a combination of hydrogen and helium gas. There are some other types of gas and foreign matter surrounding it, but I will have to get it back to the laboratory for a more thorough examination to know exactly what this is, but I think it is a space blob.", said Josiah. "A space blob, this is getting interesting.'' I said."Apparently,the space blob travelled at the speed of light from one of the outer green galaxies,spun out of its orbit and landed here on the moon.", Josiah said. "We should head back to the Guardian, I see a huge dust cloud approaching us.", said Morpheus. "I agree, Morpheus.", I replied. With each step closer towards the Guardian it was getting harder to see.The dust cloud was completely covering us. "I can barely see!", said Josiah. Morpheus turned on his lasers to help guide us through the dust cloud. Finally,we made it back to the Guardian. "Thanks Morpheus for the help." I said. "You are quite welcome,Gemini it's always a pleasure to help you." replied Morpheus. Josiah, Morpheus and I headed on over to the laboratory to examine the glowing object in hand. "Whoa bro! You've really brought the lab to life, it's so 80s retro, this totally brings back memories for sure, I love what you've done with it!", I said. "Check this out sis!" said Josiah. "That's a boom box from the 80s, awesome!", I said. "I totally upgraded it, watch this sis.", Josiah said. Josiah cranked up the volume on the boom box,📻Yazoo's Situation blarred out from the enhanced speakers complete with an array of 80s retro lighting capability. It was like a mini techno club. "I seriously need to borrow this for Amora's and Mirabella's upcoming birthday parties." I said. "Not to rush you and Josiah,but it is getting late and I know you are both eager to examine the glowing object." said Morpheus. "Yes your right." Josiah and I both agreed, now business at hand. Josiah turned the music down low and proceeded to to remove the glowing object carefully, from the container with the short handled tongs, onto the exam table. Josiah, and I stood around the object just staring at it in awe and admiration. Josiah gently placed the object under the the lense of the microscope. "There seems to be a lot of activity in the center of the object and a liquid slime substance." Josiah said. "Can I take a look?" I asked Josiah. "Sure." he said. "I see bright white star shaped clusters that seem to change form, constantly expanding from small to large and back again." I said to Josiah. "Morpheus,would you take a look now?" I asked him. "Not only is helium and hydrogen surrounding the object but it looks Iike there is many more protons than neutrons around the nucleus and also a infinite amount of subatomic particles within this object Sir." Morpheus said. "I want to extract some samples from the object and analyze them in the computer module for further testing." said Josiah. "Why don't you go get some rest, there's nothing else you can really do,sis ." Josiah said. "Yeah,I need to check up on everyone anyway,

." I replied. "I think I will stay behind with Morpheus and study the object more, l'm pretty sure we are looking at a space blob." said Josiah. "Ok, brother but try to get to sleep before 4am." I said. Josiah laughing, "I'll try sis." he said. "Morpheus there seems to be a high amount of plasma in the test samples I extracted from the space blob." said Josiah. "What are you suggesting sir?" asked Morpheus. "Well,we know that high levels of plasma are within a volcanic eruption on earth and plasma is in the form of electrical discharges in the sky,soon after." said Josiah. "So, I'm thinking maybe this space blob originally came from a extra terrestrial volcano somewhere from one of the outer green galaxies and the volcano erupted and this object the space blob flew out into the outer realms of its orbit, travelling at the speed of light, landing here on the moon." said Josiah. "It seems to be a living organism,always in constant motion." said Morpheus. "So much is to be learned about this space blob, for a long time I have been exploring all possibilities of time travel and all manners of space exploration, this is a great discovery indeed." said Josiah. "Gemini, was at the right place at the right time when she came upon the space blob,this is fascinating Morpheus." said Josiah. "I'm beginning to get tired,it must be getting late." said Josiah. "Yes,it is nearing midnight sir, said Morpheus. Just a little longer, I want to examine this plasma sample more thoroughly then I will go to bed." said Josiah. But, suddenly, something strange began to transpire,the subatomic particles in the space blob began to generate,the protons around the core seemed to move backwards at a radical velocity. The hands on the laboratory's clock, hanging on the wall began to spin out of control.The space blob began to vibrate and the core of the object began to illuminate the lab brighter and brighter.Then suddenly,the short hand and long hand on the clock stopped at exactly 12:00 midnite. "What the hell is going on here!" said Josiah.
"Are you alright sir?" Morpheus asked Josiah. "I'm not quite sure, I feel dizzy and somewhat confused right now, look the hands on the clock stopped,what just happened?" asked Josiah.

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