Shyla is a shy 22 year old girl who has never really seen just how beautiful she really is. She has everything going for her and she is even about to graduate college. The one time she put her heart out she gets burned. Deciding just to focus on her...
Kentrell's POV: Today was Shyla and Boomers birthday and we were going to have a birthday brunch for them. Then tonight we were all gonna go out to Club Luxe and celebrate some more. I got up early and showered and got dressed this what I had on:
This shirt: The first one
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These jeans:
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These shoes:
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After I got dressed I went to go get Kaiyah dressed. When I got in her room she was awake and she was smiling at me. She is always smiling she is such a happy baby which I love! I took off her pajamas and her diaper and put her in her baby bath tub. I washed her off with her baby wash and then rinsed her off. Once I was done washing her I rubbed baby lotion all over her and then I rubbed coconut oil in her hair. I rubbed A.D ointment on her before I put her diaper on so that she doesn't get diaper rash or get chaffed down there. Then I got her dressed in this: A.N: Imagine it says love Kaiyah
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