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Setting: New orleans
Time period: 1920s
Main characters: Alastor Hazbin , Richard pentious , and Antony wilkser


Alastor hazbin
Occupation: Radio host
Personality: Manipulative , charming , a old soul , modest , picky , a jokester
Extra info : Alastor enjoys children , cooking and his mother (whos alive but paralyzed)

Richard pentious
Age: 32
Occupation: Design engineer
Personality: prideful , snarky , cheerful at times , grumpy , caring and abit of a green hand (he enjoys some gardening)
Extra info: Richard enjoys tea , building , and loves cats and has a cat he jokingly named "eggie"

Antony wilkster
Age: 24
Occupation: Drug dealer and escort
Personality: A jokster , flirty , a hopeless romantic , a book worm
Extra info: Antony enjoys sewing , caring for animals , and drag dressing

radiosnake (Luck has run out) Yandere Alastor x Sir pentiousWhere stories live. Discover now