Chapter 11

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For some reason, Joon had thought that once he had announced the plan, that everything would get exciting, that he and Syn would be going off on a dashing adventure and heist and break out those two Inuia heirs from prison. Despite how close she said they were to getting there, he didn't feel close. He felt like he was moving boxes full of her crap. Which he was. Why did she have so much crap when he had survived for nine years with only the contents of a small bag?

And why was it so heavy? They were in space, yet he was being forced to endure fake gravity while moving boxes of things that weren't his and did not seem to be full of devious space weapons or anything interesting. Food and machine parts, mostly. And racks and racks of holo-pages. Novels, comics, essays, or whatever they were. Also empty canisters of the gas, and perfume and make-up stored in needlessly complicated boxes with too many handles that he would be surprised didn't contain a a pop up palace.

Just about everything he had suspected people liked to bring with their wiggle ships when he saw them slithering above his head while he was living on the streets of Neo-Hikaru.

He should have gotten satisfaction from that, but they were so heavy!

"Why are we cleaning your rooms?" He asked

"It's got to be done," she said as she tossed things through one of the smooth rounded doorways and they fell into open boxes.

"Gotta get all the loose stuff strapped down in our humble little cargo bay. I'm gonna be switching the gravity off and we either clean up a mess now or clean up a much worse mess later."

He dragged the box he was moving onto the platform and pressed the embossed button in the smooth wall which made it lower down into the belly of the cargo bay. Whenever he touched the walls they projected a pretty rippling affect which at first had been entertaining but was now just annoying because if he missed the button (which was the same damn colour as the wall) the rippling would make it even harder to see so he'd have to wait for the digital image to settle before trying again. He got to a point where he growled every time he missed. She giggled from her place unseen whenever he did.

Once the large boxes were all loaded he wiped his brow and looked around.

He walked into where she had been loading things and saw a great pile of blankets and pillows and other soft things. She was stood in the middle, resting on a bunch of it in a sleeveless baggy leotard printed with the same honeycomb pattern.

He picked up a large pink fluffy toy that was essentially a ball with two eyes and tiny legs, the size of him yet weighing nothing at all, and looked at it, turning it to face him. He frowned at the ridiculous thing.

"You can leave the soft stuff." She said, with her hands on her hips.

"The clothes and blankets can float around. You might need them when things get very scary. You have my permission to cuddle Tarquin if things get very scary."

He dropped the thing and kicked it where it bounced against the wall and fell in gratifyingly corpse-like fashion over itself. She gasped and went over to rescue Tarquin, but it was hopeless, he was a lifeless lump in death just as he had been in life.

She still hadn't elaborated on what she had meant by scary.

"You still haven't elaborated on what you mean by scary."

She placed Tarquin down soothingly and wiped her brow, though Joon could not see or smell any sweat on her. He wondered if she had had it removed.

"Nothing wrong with being scared, Gregor. You harp on about being human, humans get scared all the time."

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