Wishing On A Cowboy

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She must have dozed. When she opened her eyes there stood Doc Owens, Hunter, Cindy and Jake all staring at her. Immediately she struggled to get up. “I’m fine really.”

There was no missing the determination on Hunter’s handsome face. He thought she was stubborn. She had a few recollections of him being just as stubborn. Maggie sighed. “Fine. Hi Doc, long time no see.”

“Too long if you ask me, young lady.” There was sadness in his eyes. Doc had always been sweet on her mother.

Maggie swallowed hard. “Yes, too long and too late.”

Doc turned toward Hunter. “Is there a room I can use to examine her?”

“Yes she can have Ma’s old room.” Hunter led them to a spacious bedroom. Instead of pictures on the walls quilts graced them. Lovely quilts. She knew the history of each quilt and it pained her heart to think that she left such history and sense of family behind. Her ankle throbbed. She sat on the bed and stared at Hunter waiting for him to leave.

He finally turned red. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

Doc Owens looked her ankle over and wrapped it up. He gave her a gentle smile. “How are your ribs and back?”

Embarrassed she pretended to examine the quilt on the bed. She traced the outline of the triangles that made up the star pattern.

“Honey, I see your bruises. I just want to be sure that nothing is broken.”

Maggie nodded and shrugged out of her shirt. She knew she was all black and blue but there was no helping it now.

“You know you really should go in and get some x-rays.”

“No. I’d know if something was broken. I’ve had broken ribs before.”

There was a quick knock on the door and Hunter entered before he was invited. “Cripes Almighty. Did the bastard you were with do this to you?”

The disgust in Hunter’s eyes was the last straw. Tears seeped out of her eyes against her will. Doc Owens helped her put her shirt back on. He stopped at the door and talked to Hunter for a minute and handed him a prescription. “The more rest the better.”

Hunter nodded and shook the doc’s hand. “I appreciate you making a house call.”

“No problem.” He turned and gazed at her. “You rest. I’ll be back to check on you. Your mother passed in her sleep. If you have to go it’s a good way. There isn’t a day that I don’t miss her. I’m glad you’re back.”

Maggie bit her lip, tasting blood as she bit too hard. “Thank you.”

“Listen to me. No alcohol, no beer, no wine, no shots. And the script is for a higher dose of Ibuprofen. I don’t want you to get hook on drugs and alcohol again.”

Maggie watched him leave. What in the world was he talking about? She rarely drank and never did drugs. Oh Lord, what rumors are goin around town? Hooked? Wow. Hunter didn’t look surprised either. What the hell was going on?

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