Wishing On A Cowboy chapter 2- part 3

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Hunter’s heart broke for her. Her pain was written in her expression and he wished he could take it all away. What he wanted most was to kick her ex-boyfriend’s ass. A nice fist to the face would feel good about now. The jerk wasn’t here but Maggie was. Somehow he’d have to get through to her.

“Sweetheart, I don’t care what he said to you. None of it is true. Hell I polish silver all the time and it always comes out gleaming. It’s all in the care you take. Maybe you do have reason to feel like a nobody. It seems to me that he did a good job in making you believe it. None of its true. You are someone to me. To me you are beautiful and smart. Any man would be privileged to have you in their life.”

Maggie shook her head in denial. She sniffled and tried to give him a smile. “You’re just trying to cheer me up. I know men don’t like for a woman to cry. I’m trying not to.”

“Did he tell you that you’re not supposed to cry? Hell, everyone cries at some point. Sounds to me like you had more reason to cry than most. Your tears don’t bother me, sweetheart. Cry if it makes you feel better.” He lifted her in his arms and sat her on his lap. “Go ahead and cry it out, Maggie.”

She stiffened in his arms and hesitated. Slowly, she laid her head on his shoulder. Finally, she began to sob.

Hunter put his arms around her and rode out the storm with her. He stroked her back and whispered what he hoped were words of encouragement. He just might have to hunt down the son of a bitch that manhandled her.

Finally the storm subsided. “Thank you, Hunter. You’re right I needed a good cry. Now I have to figure out my future. I hope Rolly calls with the info on my cattle. Do you think I should sell them? I could probably get enough to start over somewhere.”

Her words stung. He wanted her to stay. “You don’t need to worry about that now.”  He dumped her on the couch. “Now scissors or clippers?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your hair, darlin’. I can’t stand to look at that hack job any more. So what’ll it be scissors or clippers?”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “You expect me to let you cut my hair?”

“I’ve gotten a fair amount of practice in. Cindy like for me to cut her hair. Hers look nice doesn’t it?”

“Clippers!” Cindy yelled from her room.

The corners of Maggie’s mouth turned up. “Scissors it is.”


Hunter started to cut her hair and for some reason he found it best to stand between her legs. Her view of his belt buckle unnerved her and thoughts were most certainly not on her hair. Her face grew warm and she had hard time breathing. The pictures that ran through her mind were scandalous, yet she enjoyed them.

“Don’t move or I’ll cut it wrong.”

Maggie smiled. “I think your sandy hair needs a trim too.”

“That’s my job!” Cindy yelled down the stairs. She certainly had good hearing.

Finally, he moved to her back and she swore he was blowing on her neck. She shivered a twice.

“Are you cold, darlin’?” The humor in his voice confirmed her suspicions. This was a seduction haircut.

“Yes, It’s a bit chilly,” she lied and he laughed. She knew then that she was just plain crazy, allowing him near her hair. Snip, snip, snip she heard the scissors and saw her brown hair fall to the floor. “You’re not cutting it too short are you? Is there a mirror I could hold?”

Hunter stepped to the front and smiled. “Now Mags, don’t tell me that you don’t trust me. A thing like that could really hurt a man’s feeling.”

“It’s that bad?”

“Probably, worse even,” Cindy yelled again.

“Pipe down up there. You’re scaring Maggie.”


Hunter put the scissors down and took Maggie’s hand. He pulled her up until she stood toe to toe with him. “She doesn’t mean it Maggie.” He led her to the bathroom and turned on the light.

She was afraid to look. She closed her eyes, took a step to the side, so she was in front of the mirror. Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and looked. She turned her head one way then the other. Stunned she smiled at Hunter’s reflection in the mirror. “I’ll be damned. This looks great.”

Hunter wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed the side of her neck. “It was fun too.” His low, sexy voice made her stomach flutter.

Maggie tried to ignore him and admire her hair. He cut it into a cute bob style and it suited her. “Well, thank you. The fun is over.” Taking a step she winced.

Instantly Hunter scooped her up in his massive arms and carried her to the couch. “I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking about your ankle.” Jake sat on the couch next to her. “You and Jake make a good team.”

“Jake is mine!”

Hunter walked to the bottom of the stairs. “Quit yelling and come get your dog if you want.”

Cindy slowly walked down the stairs, glaring at Maggie the whole time. “I still think you should have used the clippers.”

Hunter opened his mouth but Maggie was quicker. “Maybe next time.” Maggie smiled and the expression on Cindy’s face was priceless. She meant to cause trouble but Maggie had no intention of being a target.

Cindy picked up Jake and left the house.

Maggie sighed. “Hunter I’m sorry. I’ll try to get along with her while I’m here. She obviously loves you very much.”

“Yep, we’ve been a pair for a while now. I’m thinking it might be time to widen our circle.”

She blinked, and then stared. “What do you mean?”

“I really want you to stay. Before you say anything, just think about it.”

Maggie nodded. “I’ll think about it.”


Stetson's Storm

Five years ago, hunky rodeo star Stetson Scott left town, never looking back. Storm McCrory's heart was ripped out that same day. Now Stetson is back in town. He's shocked to find both Storm and his son living in poverty, shunned by most of the town.

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