Chapter 2

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Writer: Kailucy

Editors: TheUnitedFandomOf1D         and Amithisia

Padmé had several outfits spread on the bed. She studied each of them intently. What to wear when meeting up with an old friend? She held up the dark blue one before tossing it the other way. "Too fancy," she muttered. At the rate she was going it was going to take forever and she wouldn't make it. Did it really matter that much as long as it wasn't too overdone? 

After a few moments of careful consideration and a lot of tossing she was left with only a light blue floor-length dress. It was long-sleeved but her shoulders were bare. She got dressed quickly and decided to leave her hair down since she was already coming really close to the time and didn't want to be late, she took a final look in the mirror before leaving the room.

Padmé walked up to the ship and slipped into the pilot's seat. She got the ship ready to fly and went on her way. Her mind was full of doubts as she was flying to the meetup place. 

She shook her head, she was only helping an old friend. That was it. Besides, Anakin didn't have to know. That settled her mind enough but a nagging feeling still pulled at her heart.

She muttered something under her breath as she landed the ship. She had to get it together. She wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just a friend. She was just helping him. If Anakin can risk his life for the galaxy she can spend a little bit of time helping an old friend. Right? 

She held her head up as she exited the ship. She looked ahead and took a breath. 'let's go,' she told herself as she continued walking. 

Palo looked a bit different than she remembered, but his curly hair was the same. She wondered what he thought, was she the way he remembered, or was she the opposite?

"I'm glad you could make it," he said, coming closer to her. 

She took a few steps towards him. "As am I.  So now that we're here let's get to it."

"Still no time to waste." he teased, lifting one eyebrow.

"Can't afford to, I have places to be," she replied.

Palo paused for a moment, "In that case, let's get to it."

"Yes, let's," she responded. 

Palo led Padme to the doors of the building. He opened up the door and let her in and then he followed behind. 

"How have things been treating you?" he asked her before kissing her hand.

She paused, "Decent. What about you?" 

He shrugged, "Eh. No complaints." 

Padme was starting to get anxious, she felt worse by the second, but at the same time, it was nice to see him. 

"So what is the problem?" she inquired again. She was getting annoyed with him and herself and everything around her.

"I wanted to give you this," he replied, leading her to a table. On the bench, there was a portrait of her. 

Padme studied the portrait in front of her. It was of her.  She was angrier than before because Palo made it seem like an emergency, she felt a little honored that he thought of her. She was going crazy with the whirlwind of emotions running through her head. 

She took a step closer to study the painting. It depicted her in an elegant dark blue dress hugged every curve of her body, and there was a crown on her head. Her eyes sparkled in an alluring way. Her face remained youthful despite that it was supposed to be of her in her twenties. 

She wanted to yell, she wanted to get all of her frustrations out. First, Anakin and that Princess. Every time she thought of it she was pushed over the edge. Telling herself he didn't mean anything by it wasn't helping, at all. Her inner voice would just keep putting doubts in her mind, it was exhausting. Now Palo and his stupid painting. 

She couldn't bring that home. How would she explain it? No, she wasn't going to. 

But she didn't yell, she didn't scream, "It's very..." she wasn't sure how to describe it. Thoughtful, sweet of him, creepy?

"Beautiful," Palo supplied. 

Padme didn't say anything for a moment, "I would go with thoughtfulness, but you must understand I can't take this."

"I understand, but maybe you should reconsider." 

"Listen, Palo. I don't mean this the wrong way, but I don't know if I can accept this."

Palo paused, "Why not? I made it for you."

Padme shook her head, should she just take it? "If it means so much to you, I'll take it."

"Does dinner still sound alright, or is that pushing the line?" 

"Dinner sounds good, as long as you are planning to speak to me about the issues you claimed you needed help with."

"Yes, ma'am." 

At the table, Palo filled her in on what he needed help with. 

"Well I could place the painting somewhere that people will see it, they'll probably ask who the painter is, and then there is a potential client."

"That could actually work," Palo replied. 

"It will," she said, then she took a sip of her drink. "Is there anything else or just the deal with the paintings?" 

"How could that be all I wanted from someone like you? " 

Padme looked up trying to decipher his words.

After they both finished dinner, they both got up. Padme picked up the painting. "Bye." 

He gave a slight nod and stared at her like a predator looks at their prey, "Thank you for your help. Bye." 
He watched her walk away, "she will be mine." He whispered to himself.

Padme walked out of the restaurant and climbed into her ship. She placed the portrait in the seat beside her and flew off. She occasionally glanced at the painting. How was she going to tell Anakin about this? How is he going to take it? Mostly she just hoped this wouldn't drive a wedge between them. 

Votes and comments appreciated :)

anakinpadmeforlife has already finished the next chapter, so as soon as all 10-15 of the readers for this book see this and vote we'll post the next chapter!

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