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chapter number twelve

a few days passed by and you kept coming straight home, skipping lunch every single day but it didn't matter to you since you never felt like eating

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a few days passed by and you kept coming straight home, skipping lunch every single day but it didn't matter to you since you never felt like eating. the nights became lonely and dark and so did the morning, the only different was the sun annoyed every single day. a few nights, feelings escaped your eyes and rolled down your cheeks. but you never let anyone know. after all, you, being you, have always been good at hiding feelings.

you opened your eyes as the morning came and so did the pain.

just like every other day, you got ready, walked it college, attended the lectures and packed the bag to go home.

"y/n, wait." kenma stopped you right before you were leaving the class.

you turned around with your tired eyes. "you're not well." kenma looked at you.

"i know kenma i need to rest." you replied, groaned a little.

"no, i mean , you are not okay. you are carrying something on your shoulders and it's getting heavier and heavier day by day." he really did seem concerned.

"talk to me whenever you need to y/n. you know i am always there for you." he patted your shoulders.

"thanks kenma. i know."

"and take your time to figure out whatever you're going through. just come back soon." he hugged you for a second before leaving the class.

"thanks." you whispered.

on your way, you stopped to the convenience store to buy some snacks  and someone called out your name. "y/n?" you turned around and saw akaashi with a plastic bag full of yogurt milk.

"everything alright?" he asked you and you nodded with a little smile and went to the counter with the tray of yogurt milk you got.

"hey, come with me." he took your hand and walked way right after you paid.

it was getting dark now and you had no idea why was he taking you back to the campus but you trusted him.

"sit down." he motioned you as soon as you get in the middle of the football field.

it was layered with grass and the scent of wet soil. you nodded as you sat down with you legs spread and he did the same beside you.

you took a deep breath and a deep, deep sighs and he does the same.

"this is the place where i come when i am stressed or i want to figure out something." he says, looking at the sky.

you nodded.

after a long moment of silence, when you felt like the emotions might overflow because the burden kept getting heavier and heavier. you started, "do you believe in fate?"

akaashi shrugged his shoulders.

"like that red thread thing yachi was talking about the other day?" you tried to explain what you meant.

"i am not sure. i do want to believe in it yet i don't witness nor do i have anyone near me who did. so i kinda don't. but i hope it does." akaashi did always the quiet type. he never showed a lot emotions like kenma but both of them are the warmest people you met on this planet.

"what if you did see the strings." you look at him.

and you continued, "but it isn't connected to the one you dearly love, and that person's string is connected to someone else. what would you do?"

there was a moment of silence. he seemed to be thinking.

"i don't know how it works, but if our strings weren't connected to each other, and if God allows, i swear to cut all my strings and run to bokuto-san."

and he sighs deeply.

you started to cry.  how long could you keep it bottled up and akaashi made it even more complicated now. how are you supposed to cut your strings?

but deep inside that's all you wanted to do. if possible, your soul would push, fight every layer of you skin to leave your body and run after him.

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