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chapter number fourteen

days passed but you kept your distance and so did he

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days passed but you kept your distance and so did he. kenma told you that kuroo was never like it. he was everything but like this. how different he was in highschool.

a scheming, hard working captain. a person who would solve any misunderstanding/problem he has with someone than to run away. he would talk, talk and talk all the time. he would joke around and make people feel better. a captain who would make sure none of his teammates is left behind.

but kenma didn't know that kuroo told you he liked you. but how could a person confess like that and run away?

after class you got together with your friends; bokuto, akaashi, kenma and yachi. everyone walked to the cafe and spent the day like always. kuroo stopped coming, saying that he is facing some difficulties, some personal problems that needs to be solved for him to be full again. and everyone respected that and gave him space, hoping he'd come back.

after having lunch together, you all separated ways and you made your way to the library to borrow some books for your assignment.

after collecting the books you needed, you walked out and saw someone standing outside the library, near the vending machine. as soon as you walked out of the library, that person turned around and turned out to be kuroo.

"hey." his hands were in his pockets.

"what are you doing here?"

"waiting for you."

you nodded your head, "why?"

he slowly shook his head as if thinking about what to say, "no reason, just wanted to walk you home."

"okayy. let's go then." you walked past him and he caught up to you.

you took a deep breath, walking side by side with kuroo as he stayed as quiet as you were. none of you said anything for a while now and the silence was bothering you. it was too awkward. you swallowed and began to say something when he cuts you off, " i...i want to say something."

"what is it?"

"wanna go to the bridge we went that day?" he asked.

you nodded so you walked there, it was on your way home so it wasn't far away, it took barely seven minutes.

he takes a deep breath and you follow him.

"this is the place where i first started to have feelings for you." he puts his hands in his pockets.

how badly you wanted to say you liked him too,even before him. how badly you wanted to run into his arms and hug him and cry and tell him about the stupid strings. how badly you wanted to kiss him. how badly you wanted him.

but you stayed quiet.

"i have fought a lot. i have fought against my ego, my heart, my will to not to date anyone, my pride and everything but i always lost when it came to you." he faces towards you and takes a step forward. looking directly into your eyes.

"i can't take it anymore."  he shook his head, furrowing his brow. you could feel his voice a little trembling.

"be with me."  he quietly says.

"i can't."

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