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chapter number seven

i think i might have fallen just now

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i think i might have fallen just now.

"we should get going now." you removed your gaze from him.

"why kitten? oops- chibi - cha - what do you even want me to call you?" kuroo asked, shaking his head.

"just y/n."

"that i can't do."

"let's go kuroo." you looked at him.

"why?" your eyes met with him.

what would you even tell him? that you want to go home because he makes your heart go boom boom?

you looked at him, searching for the answer.

"don't do that." he was looking into your eyes, not moving an inch.

"do...what?" you asked, confused.

"i'm simply warning you." his gaze changes, which made you wanna take a tiny step back but he covers the distance by taking the step towards you.

"warning me about what?" you asked, once again.

his gaze dropped to your mouth before slowly lifting to your eyes once more, "the next time you look at me for that long, i won't stop myself from kissing you."

and you died

you couldn't control the hurricanes, tsunamis, all kind of storms in your heart which made you breathless and your heart couldn't stop it's double pace. you might really die like this.

"what the fuck kuroo." you once again, let go of the breath you were holding on so long for as you removed your eyes from him and looked at the river below you.

you still couldn't hold your heart. it might just come out and confess right in front of him or jump into the river you are looking at.

kuroo started laughing as he, too looks at the river. "you're so cute. i was kidding."

you take a tiny step away from him.

"not that i wouldn't kiss you, i totally would. just not without your consent." he winks at you.

"i am just gonna...go" one more moment and heart is going to burst right this second.

you start to walk away from him.

"wait a second kitt- chib the hell with everything. wait a second kitten."

you look back to him as a sign of disapproval as he gives you a 'i don't care' sign.

reaching your place, you stopped walking. "that's it." you motioned your place.

it was getting dark, you stood under a lamppost. he takes a step closer to you and you froze.

"your eyes look very pretty under the light." he comes near to your face to get a better view of your eyes.

till he realized he was too close and you were holding your breath. he looked into your eyes rather than looking at them.

and for a moment, everything disappeared. the sound of the traffic somewhere, the leaves, the wind, the cat passing by. everything disappeared as you looked into his eyes. they weren't any less beautiful. if anything, they were mesmerising.

he quickly backed off and let go of his breath as he looked at you, furrowing his eyebrows, confused. not quite sure what just happened.

"I'll see you tomorrow." you quietly said.

he nods as he walked away.

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