Wake Up Call

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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb (ps this is just a little mini chapter I'm writing more later tonight)

It was the next morning, and Ferb was the first one to wake up. He opened his eyes to find a sleeping Emma in front of him. She was honestly really cute when she was sleeping. He hadn't told anyone but her brother about his slight crush on her, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to ruin not just their friendship, but also their entire group.

He looked over to see Phineas and Isabella cuddled up under a blanket, and figured out what had happened last night to cause them to come downstairs blushing. He rolled his eyes, smiling, and looked up at the ceiling.

Then, he heard the cutest yawn he had ever heard in his life, and turned to find Emma waking up.

"Hey... good morning, Em." he whispered, trying not to wake everyone else up.

She stretched her arms above her head, and jumped when she heard his voice. "Oh, good morning, Ferb! Sorry, you startled me." she blushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"No, it's fine, don't apologize." she smiled, shivering.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little bit... I'm not used to having the fan on this high." she giggled.

"Want me to turn it down?" he offered.

"No, I'm just going to go sit on the couch. Wanna come with me?"

Ferb nodded, and walked over to the couch with her. She hugged her legs, and he saw her goosebumps. He grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and put it over the both of them.

"Thanks, Ferb. You're very sweet." she smiled at him, and he couldn't help but blush. She had a really pretty smile.

"You're welcome."

He decided to try an old trick, and yawned and stretched his hand around her shoulder. She was surprised at first, but leaned into him. 

How was this happening? There was no way they both liked each other, they both thought.

"F-Ferb?" she whispered.


"This might sound kind of stupid, but... what are you doing?" she asked, looking him in the eyes.

"Um..." he stuttered, looking for an excuse. "Body heat is a good way to keep us both warm..." he said, then mentally slapped himself. What the heck was that?

She raised an eyebrow at first, but then laughed. "I guess you're right." she said, snuggling into his side.

He had to admit, it felt really good. He leaned his head on top of hers and they both smiled. 

She could feel his heartbeat, it was racing. This was a new side of Ferb, but still the Ferb she had a crush on.

"Um... Ferb?" he started.

"Yeah?" he said in a high pitched voice.

"I l-" she started, then giggled.

"What?" he asked, once again in a high pitched voice.

"Your voice!" she laughed, burying her face in his arm.

He blushed as he realized his voice was MUCH higher than usual.

He cleared his voice, then in his normal voice, asked what she was going to say.

"I don't know if this is going to be weird for us or not, but I like you..." she said, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Y-you do?" he smiled, surprised.


"That's crazy." he said with a frown.

"W-what?" she asked, looking like she was about to cry.

"Crazy because I like you, too!" he said, as his frown turned into a huge smile.

"Ferb Fletcher! You scared me!" she laughed, and he grabbed her hand.

"I know." he said, and then he couldn't resist the urge, so he leaned over and kissed her quickly.

She pulled away, her eyes wide and cheeks bright red. Then she kissed him again.

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