Lost in the Mountains

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Disclaimer: I don't own Phineas and Ferb

The kids rode their horses through the small village, passing men and women who were walking along minding their business, but also giving them dirty looks as they passed.

A small child looked at Buford and pointed and laughed. 

"Watch it, kid, I can promise you don't wanna mess with me." Buford growled.

"Buford, stop! They're just kids." Emma said.

"He started it!" Buford whined.

"You're such a child sometimes..." she mumbled and rolled her eyes. Ferb was close enough to hear her and tried to stop himself from laughing.

They finally got out of the village and to the base of the mountain. 

"It's so beautiful!" Isabella smiled.

"It is, but we have to be careful. Sometimes the things that look the least threatening are the most dangerous. Remember the time those aliens took our bodies and put us in jail on their planet? Or the gelatin monster?" Phineas reminded them. 

"Gee, Phineas, way to destroy the moment!" Baljeet grumbled.

"I'm just saying, we have to be careful!" he replied.

They found a path up the mountain, but it was too steep for their horses. 

"We have to tie up the horses, they won't be able to get up this trail." Ferb said.

The kids tied up their horses, and started up the mountain. 

"Wait for me!" Emma said, as she was trying to say goodbye to her horse. "Aww, Cheesecake! I'll come back, I promise!" she frowned, and leaned her forehead against the mare's head. The horse nickered as if to tell her that she was sad as well. 


"SHUT UP I'M COMING!" she called back and found Ferb waiting for her at the base of the trail while everyone else was a ways up. "Thanks for waiting for me, Ferb!" she giggled.

"Of course, m'lady." he replied, taking her hand as they ran up the mountain to the others.

"Finally! We thought you guys were never going to come!" Baljeet called.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew against them and they tumbled down the mountain to an entirely different part of the mountain.

When they had gotten up and weren't as shocked by what had just happened, Phineas wondered if this was their next task.

"Baljeet, what's the next task?" Phineas asked from the front of the line.

Baljeet pulled out the book again and looked. "It says that the next thing is... Ferb's task."


"And..." he said, flipping through the pages. "And appar-" he started, but then as he started to say it, he heard something flying through the air. He turned around to see the map that Ferb had been holding rip into pieces and fly away. 

Ferb's eyes widened and he started lunging after the pieces, but some of them got far away. "That's what his task is. We're lost." Baljeet groaned.

"Where are we?" Emma asked, looking around. "Ugh, of course it took us to the dark side of the mountain." The air was colder and they shivered at the change in temperature. 

Phineas felt his face gettting hot and turning red. He felt a rage build up inside of him and a scowl crossed his face. How could he let this happen? It was his idea to build the stupid simulator, and they wouldn't be in this position if he had picked the beach or another rollercoaster. He felt terrible and just wanted to wake up from this nightmare of a day. This knocking off of the path broke him inside. He had tried to stay positive, but just when things were looking up, they got thrown lower than before. 

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