Theme Park

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Disclaimer: I don't own phineas and ferb

Phineas woke up at 7:59am, determined to beat the alarm clock for the 102nd day in a row. There was only two days of summer left, and he needed to make the most out of them before he had to go back to school. He went to wake up Ferb, but found his bed already empty. 

Darn it, Ferb beat him again.

He put on his clothes, did his hair and made his bed and ran downstairs to find his mom making waffles while Ferb sat at the table reading a building magazine. 

"What should we use to make the theme park, Ferb? And who do we order it from?" Phineas asked, leaning over Ferb's shoulder to look at the magazine. 

Ferb pointed to a logo and Phineas nodded. "Alright, they were pretty good when we built the rollercoaster!"

"You boys have such active imaginations!" Linda laughed and took a waffle off of the iron and put it on Ferb's plate. 

Their sister, Candace came downstairs in her pajamas, looking like she had been mauled by a bear in her sleep.

"Whoa, Candace, what happened to you?" Phineas asked.

"Don't even start, twerp." she groaned and sat down and put her head down on the table. 

"Please don't call your brother a 'twerp.'" Linda said, looking at Candace. "Are you okay, honey?" she asked.

"I couldn't fall asleep last night." Candace said, muffled.

"Maybe you should take a nap, Candace? Want us to build you something to help you relax?" Phineas suggested.

"I don't want anything from you guys, just stay out of trouble, will you?" she said, and started picking at her waffle with her fork.

"Okay! Hey mom, can we have a sleepover with our friends for the end of summer?" Phineas asked Linda.

"I don't see why not! Let me call their moms and we can figure something out." she smiled as she put a waffle on Phineas's plate and walked to the phone to call Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro.

After Isabella had woken up that morning, she got ready for the day and went downstairs to have breakfast. She grabbed a banana and ate a bowl of cereal before remembering that she was going to Emma's house. 

"Hey, mom! Can I go next door please?" she called to her mother who was organizing the living room.

"Sure, mija! Oh, Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher called, she wanted to know if you wanted to have a sleepover with your friends at their house tonight."

"Ooh, sounds like fun!" Isabella giggled, then hugged her mother goodbye and ran next door.

"Hey, Emma!" she smiled.

"Izzy! Come here, I gotta show you something!" Emma giggled and dragged her to her room. 

The girls plopped down on the bed and Emma pulled out her phone. 

"Look, guess who texted me goodnight last night!" she blushed, clicking on the icon at the top of her screen.

"OOOOH, looks like you have a boyfriend!" Isabella teased.

"He's not my boyfriend, besides, he probably has no idea that I like him. Why are guys so clueless..." Emma sighed, but then her smile returned. "Anyways, my mom told me we're having a sleepover with everyone tonight!"

"Yeah, I heard about that! I'm so excited!" Isabella laughed.

"Should we go over there now?" Emma said with a sly smile.

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